B.S.D.F.O.R.E.N.: Biomechanical Synthetic Device Fabricated for Online Repair and Eff

S.E.U.F.F.R.T: Synthetic Electronic Unit Fabricated for Forbidden Exploration and Rational Troubleshooting

Hmm, ich bin durchschaut.... :D

Intelligent Lifeform Limited to Ultimate Mathematics/Intelligent Networked Android Trained for Utility and Sabotage
D.A.O.: Digital Artificial Organism

S.O.C.K.E.: Synthetic Organism Calibrated for Killing and Exploration
F.I.E.R.C.E.O.N.E.: Functional Intelligent Entity Responsible for Ceaseless Exploration and Online Nocturnal Education

naja naja...
N.I.N.T.E.N.D.O.: Networked Intelligent Neohuman Trained for Efficient Nullification and Dangerous Observation

jepp, Intelligent Neohuman lol ;) und noch..

R.O.O.T.: Robotic Organism Optimized for Troubleshooting
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
M.A.L.E.D.I.C.T.U.S.: Mechanical Artificial Lifeform Engineered for Destruction/Intelligent Construct Trained for Ultimate Sabotage