Welcher Treiber in Xfree86 für GMA 950?


Well-Known Member
Hallo zusammen!

In meinem Notebook ist ne Intel GMA 950-Grafik verbaut. Ist die mit XFree86 überhaupt zu nutzen oder muss ich dafür zwangsweise auf X.Org ausweichen?
Falls das mit XFree86 geht, wie heißt dann der Treiber?
Danke für den Link.

Letztlich habe ich das modulare X.Org gebaut, inkl. den Intel-Treibern. Trotzdem bin ich jetzt im Vesa-Modus unterwegs. Denn drei beunruhigende Entdeckungen habe ich gemacht:

1. Die Nutzung des i810-Treibers und sonst korrekten Einstellungen sorgt dafür, dass x.org gar nicht erst startet.

2. 915resolution gibt keinen einzigen Modus mit 1280x800 raus.

3. folgenden dmesg-Output:

vga0 at pci0 dev 2 function 0: Intel 82945GM/PM/GMS Integrated Graphics Device (rev. 0x03)
Intel 82945GM/PM/GMS Integrated Graphics Device (miscellaneous display, revision 0x03) at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured

Eine Idee, wie ich irgendwie zu 1280x800 kommen könnte? mehr Ansprüche (z.B. DRI) hab ich nicht, 2D-Performance reicht hier auf dem Notebook.
1. Die Nutzung des i810-Treibers und sonst korrekten Einstellungen sorgt dafür, dass x.org gar nicht erst startet.
das liegt an zweitens
2. 915resolution gibt keinen einzigen Modus mit 1280x800 raus.
da musst du auch selber ein setzen.
Oder du nimmst den intel-treiber statt den i810er (weiß nicht ob der bei NetBSD schon dabei ist, sollte er aber wenn der Xorg aktuell ist.
ok, danke für den Hinweis, Prinzip verstanden...

Aber das Problem scheint anderswo herzukommen:

(EE) GARTInit: Unable to open /dev/agpgart (Device not configured)
(WW) intel(0): /dev/agpgart is either not available, or no memory is available
for allocation.  Using pre-allocated memory only.
(==) intel(0): VideoRam: 7932 KB
(WW) intel(0): remove MTRR feb80000 - fec00000
(WW) intel(0): remove MTRR feb40000 - feb80000
(EE) intel(0): [dri] I830CheckDRIAvailable failed: glx not loaded
(II) intel(0): Allocating 306 scanlines for pixmap cache
(EE) intel(0): Failed to allocate framebuffer. Is your VideoRAM set too low?
(EE) intel(0): Couldn't allocate video memory

Fatal server error:
AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
hm in NetBSD gibts doch kein 3D, oder?
Sieht so aus als würde er versuchen das zu laden... ist das eingeschaltet bei dir? DRI und GLX sollten nicht geladen werden...
AGPGART braucht er afaik nur dafür.
Prinzipiell gibt es in NetBSD seit 4.0 wohl schon 3D. Aber wie gesagt, das ist jetzt mal nur die zweite Sorge.

dri und glx sind in meiner xorg.conf auskommentiert.

Ich habe mir die Kernel-Sources gezogen und den Kernel überhaupt mal an mein System angepasst.

Dabei habe ich auch diese Zeile hier durch Entfernen der Raute gültig gemacht:

agp* at pchb?

außerdem ist diese Zeile hier ebenfalls gültig:

pchb* at pci? dev ? function ?

Doch bei einem config MYKERNEL kommt nur folgende Fehlermeldung:

agp*: unknown device `agp' .

Im /dev-Verzeichnis sind agp0 und agpgart angelegt.

Doch siehe hier: WW) intel(0): /dev/agpgart is either not available, or no memory is available
for allocation. Using pre-allocated memory only.

Wenn es am DRI liegen könnte (welches ich ja gar nicht nutzen will), kann man dann evtl x.org nochmal neu bauen und diese Teile weglassen? Oder gibt es noch andere Ideen?

Mein xorg.conf

Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.

    Load        "dbe"  	# Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
    SubSection  "extmod"
      Option    "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the font modules
#    Load        "type1"
    Load        "freetype"
#    Load        "xtt"

# This loads the GLX module
#    Load       "Glx"
# This loads the DRI module
#    Load       "dri"


# **********************************************************************
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **********************************************************************

Section "Files"

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

#    RgbPath	"/usr/pkg/share/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)

    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/pkg/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/"

# The module search path.  The default path is shown here.

#    ModulePath "/usr/pkg/lib/modules"


# **********************************************************************
# Server flags section.
# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is 
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

#    Option "NoTrapSignals"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Ctrl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12).  This allows clients to receive these key
# events.

#    Option "DontVTSwitch"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Ctrl><Alt><BS> server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

#    Option "DontZap"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Ctrl><Alt><KP_+>/<KP_-> mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

#    Option "Dont Zoom"

# Uncomment this to disable tuning with the xvidtune client. With
# it the client can still run and fetch card and monitor attributes,
# but it will not be allowed to change them. If it tries it will
# receive a protocol error.

#    Option "DisableVidModeExtension"

# Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local xvidtune client. 

#    Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"

# Uncomment this to disable dynamically modifying the input device
# (mouse and keyboard) settings. 

#    Option "DisableModInDev"

# Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local client to
# change the keyboard or mouse settings (currently only xset).

#    Option "AllowNonLocalModInDev"


# **********************************************************************
# Input devices
# **********************************************************************

# **********************************************************************
# Core keyboard's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************

Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier	"Keyboard1"
    Driver	"kbd"

# For most OSs the protocol can be omitted (it defaults to "Standard").
# When using XQUEUE (only for SVR3 and SVR4, but not Solaris),
# uncomment the following line.

#    Option     "Protocol"      "Xqueue"

    Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"

# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
#    Option	"Xleds"      "1 2 3"

#    Option "LeftAlt"     "Meta"
#    Option "RightAlt"    "ModeShift"

# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults).  For example, for a non-U.S.
# keyboard, you will probably want to use:
#    Option "XkbModel"    "pc105"
# If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
#    Option "XkbModel"    "microsoft"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
#    Option "XkbLayout"   "de"
# or:
#    Option "XkbLayout"   "de"
#    Option "XkbVariant"  "nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
#    Option "XkbOptions"  "ctrl:swapcaps"

# These are the default XKB settings for Xorg
#    Option "XkbRules"    "xorg"
#    Option "XkbModel"    "pc105"
#    Option "XkbLayout"   "us"
#    Option "XkbVariant"  ""
#    Option "XkbOptions"  ""

#    Option "XkbDisable"

    Option "XkbRules"	"xorg"
    Option "XkbModel"	"pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout"	"de"


# **********************************************************************
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **********************************************************************

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

    Identifier	"Mouse1"
    Driver	"mouse"
    Option "Protocol"    "wsmouse"	# wsmouse protocol
    Option "Device"      "/dev/wsmouse"

# When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
# the following line.

#    Option "Protocol"	"Xqueue"

# Mouse-speed setting for PS/2 mouse.

#    Option "Resolution"	"256"

# Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
# almost every case these lines should be omitted.

#    Option "BaudRate"	"9600"
#    Option "SampleRate"	"150"

# Mouse wheel mapping.  Default is to map vertical wheel to buttons 4 & 5,
# horizontal wheel to buttons 6 & 7.   Change if your mouse has more than
# 3 buttons and you need to map the wheel to different button ids to avoid
# conflicts.

    Option "ZAxisMapping"   "4 5"

# Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button mice
# Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)

#    Option "Emulate3Buttons"
#    Option "Emulate3Timeout"    "50"

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#    Option "ChordMiddle"


# **********************************************************************
# Other input device sections 
# this is optional and is required only if you
# are using extended input devices.  This is for example only.  Refer
# to the xorg.conf man page for a description of the options.
# **********************************************************************
# Section "InputDevice" 
#    Identifier  "Mouse2"
#    Driver      "mouse"
#    Option      "Protocol"      "MouseMan"
#    Option      "Device"        "/dev/mouse2"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "spaceball"
#    Driver     "magellan"
#    Option     "Device"        "/dev/cua0"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "spaceball2"
#    Driver     "spaceorb"
#    Option     "Device"        "/dev/cua0"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "touchscreen0"
#    Driver     "microtouch"
#    Option     "Device"        "/dev/ttyS0"
#    Option     "MinX"          "1412"
#    Option     "MaxX"          "15184"
#    Option     "MinY"          "15372"
#    Option     "MaxY"          "1230"
#    Option     "ScreenNumber"  "0"
#    Option     "ReportingMode" "Scaled"
#    Option     "ButtonNumber"  "1"
#    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "touchscreen1"
#    Driver     "elo2300"
#    Option     "Device"        "/dev/ttyS0"
#    Option     "MinX"          "231"
#    Option     "MaxX"          "3868"
#    Option     "MinY"          "3858"
#    Option     "MaxY"          "272"
#    Option     "ScreenNumber"  "0"
#    Option     "ReportingMode" "Scaled"
#    Option     "ButtonThreshold"       "17"
#    Option     "ButtonNumber"  "1"
#    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
# EndSection

# **********************************************************************
# Monitor section
# **********************************************************************

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section "Monitor"

    Identifier  "n"

# HorizSync is in kHz unless units are specified.
# HorizSync may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.

    HorizSync   28 - 64 

#    HorizSync	30-64         # multisync
#    HorizSync	31.5, 35.2    # multiple fixed sync frequencies
#    HorizSync	15-25, 30-50  # multiple ranges of sync frequencies

# VertRefresh is in Hz unless units are specified.
# VertRefresh may be a comma separated list of discrete values, or a
# comma separated list of ranges of values.

    VertRefresh 43-60


# **********************************************************************
# Graphics device section
# **********************************************************************

# Any number of graphics device sections may be present

# Standard VGA Device:

Section "Device"
    Identifier	"Standard VGA"
    VendorName	"Unknown"
    BoardName	"Unknown"

# The chipset line is optional in most cases.  It can be used to override
# the driver's chipset detection, and should not normally be specified.

    Chipset	"intel"

# The Driver line must be present.  When using run-time loadable driver
# modules, this line instructs the server to load the specified driver
# module.  Even when not using loadable driver modules, this line
# indicates which driver should interpret the information in this section.

     Driver     "intel"
# The BusID line is used to specify which of possibly multiple devices
# this section is intended for.  When this line isn't present, a device
# section can only match up with the primary video device.  For PCI
# devices a line like the following could be used.  This line should not
# normally be included unless there is more than one video device
# intalled.

#    BusID      "PCI:0:2:0"

#    VideoRam	256

#    Clocks	25.2 28.3


# Device configured by xorgconfig:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "Intel GMA 950"
    Driver      "intel"
    i#VideoRam    65536
    # Insert Clocks lines here if appropriate

# **********************************************************************
# Screen sections
# **********************************************************************

# Any number of screen sections may be present.  Each describes
# the configuration of a single screen.  A single specific screen section
# may be specified from the X server command line with the "-screen"
# option.
Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen 1"
    Device      "* Generic VESA compatible"
    Monitor     "n"
    DefaultDepth 24

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       8
        Modes       "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       16
        Modes       "1280x800" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1280x800" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0

# **********************************************************************
# ServerLayout sections.
# **********************************************************************

# Any number of ServerLayout sections may be present.  Each describes
# the way multiple screens are organised.  A specific ServerLayout
# section may be specified from the X server command line with the
# "-layout" option.  In the absence of this, the first section is used.
# When now ServerLayout section is present, the first Screen section
# is used alone.

Section "ServerLayout"

# The Identifier line must be present
    Identifier  "Simple Layout"

# Each Screen line specifies a Screen section name, and optionally
# the relative position of other screens.  The four names after
# primary screen name are the screens to the top, bottom, left and right
# of the primary screen.  In this example, screen 2 is located to the
# right of screen 1.

    Screen "Screen 1"

# Each InputDevice line specifies an InputDevice section name and
# optionally some options to specify the way the device is to be
# used.  Those options include "CorePointer", "CoreKeyboard" and
# "SendCoreEvents".

    InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"


# Section "DRI"
#    Mode 0666
# EndSection
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