[gbde] lock sector <> lock sector data


Well-Known Member
Kann mir mal jemand bitte den UNterschied bzw Zusammenhang zw. dem lockfile und dem lock-sector erklären?

In gbde(8) steht geschrieben:
The -l lockfile argument is used to supply the lock selector data. If no
-l option is specified, the first sector is used for this purpose.

In gbde(4) steht geschrieben:
First barrier: the location of the "lock-sector".
During initialization, up to four independent but mutually aware ``lock''
sectors are written to the device in randomly chosen locations. These
lock-sectors contain the 2048 random bit master-key and a number of
parameters of the layout geometry (more on this later). Since the entire
device will contain isotropic data, there is no short-cut to rapidly
determine which sequence of bytes contain a lock-sector.

To locate a lock-sector, a small piece of data called the ``metadata''
and the key-material must be available. The key-material decrypts the
metadata, which contains the byte offset on the device where the corre-
sponding lock-sector is located. If the metadata is lost or unavailable
but the key-material is at hand, it would be feasible to do a brute force
scan where each byte offset of the device is checked to see if it con-
tains the lock-sector data.