Roundcube - enigma-Plugin mit gnupg


ACME Produkttester

mit Version 1.2 sollte bei Roundcube ja mittels des enigma-Plugins die Ver- und Entschlüsselung von eMails im Webinterface durch gnupg funktionieren.
Hat das jemand problemlos zum Laufen gebracht?
Nach ein paar Konfigurationen kann ich zwar private und öffentliche Schlüssel hochladen, beim Ver- oder Entschlüsseln fragt Roundcube auch nach dem Passwort, jedoch wird dieses nicht akzeptiert und das Eingabefeld erscheint erneut.

Folgende Pakete bzw. Ports sind dabei installiert:
# pkg version -v | grep roundcube
roundcube-1.2.0_1,1                =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-automatic_addressbook-0.4.1 =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-carddav-1.0.0_1          =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-contextmenu-2.1.2        =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-html5_notifier-0.6.2     =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-login_info-1.2_1         =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-markasjunk2-1.9          =   up-to-date with index
roundcube-thunderbird_labels-1.1.3 =   up-to-date with index

# pkg version -v | grep gnupg
gnupg20-2.0.29  =  up-to-date with index

# pkg version -v | grep pinentry
pinentry-0.9.7  =  up-to-date with index
pinentry-tty-0.9.7  =  up-to-date with index

In der Konfiguration von Roundcube /usr/local/www/roundcube/config/ ist das enigma-Plugin eingetragen.

Danach wurde die Konfiguration des enigma-Plugins erstellt.
# cp /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/ /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/

Für das Verzeichnis, wo die Schlüssel abgelegt werden, wurden die Rechte angepasst.
# chown www /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/
Nachdem über das Webinterface Schlüssel hochgeladen werden, befinden sich diese auch in dem Verzeichnis.

Setze ich in der Konfigurationsdatei /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/ die Option
$config['enigma_debug'] = true;
so finden sich in der Fehlermeldung folgende Zeilen, wenn ich versuche ein verschlüsseltes eMail zu öffnen:
# tail -f /usr/local/www/roundcube/logs/enigma
GPG: ERROR: gpg: problem with the agent: No pinentry
GPG: ERROR: gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID 2B187918, created 2016-01-04
GPG: ERROR:       "Name <email@adresse1.xy>"
GPG: ERROR: gpg: encrypted with 4096-bit RSA key, ID CCB2590D, created 2016-02-02
GPG: ERROR:       "Name <email@adresse2.xy>"
GPG: ERROR: gpg: public key decryption failed: Operation cancelled
GPG: ERROR: gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
GPG: selecting streams
GPG: => got 3
GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
GPG: => read 0 bytes
GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
GPG: => read 0 bytes
GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
GPG: => read 246 bytes
GPG: STATUS: ERROR get_passphrase 85
GPG: STATUS: ENC_TO B9F4D13C2B424912 1 0
GPG: STATUS: ERROR pkdecrypt_failed 99
GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
GPG: selecting streams
GPG: => got 1
GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
GPG: => read 0 bytes
GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
GPG: => subprocess returned an unexpected exit code: 2

So wirklich schlau werde ich nicht aus der Fehlermeldung.
Fehlt mir irgend ein notwendiges Programm bzw. eine Abhängigkeit?
Vielleicht hat oder hatte jemand ein ähnliches Problem und kann mir behilflich sein?

Vielen Dank, beste Grüße,
Ist der benötigte Key unter dem User abgelegt, der dann darauf zugreift? Wenn Du z.B. sudo verwendest, werden die PGP-Keys von root verwendet. Ich weiß nicht, als was Roundcube auf gpg zugreift.

Das *könnte* eine mögliche Ursache sein.
Hello, danke für die schnelle Antwort.
Also ich denke, die Schlüssel werden so abgelegt, dass diese auch von Roundcube bzw. dem User welcher an Roundcube angemeldet ist benutzt werden können. Hochgeladen wurden diese über das Webinterface von Roundcube.
Roundcube selbst arbeitet auf dem Webserver nginx, welcher mit den Rechten des Users www am System läuft.
# ls -l /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/user
drwx------  2 www  wheel     2 Jun 10 16:57 private-keys-v1.d/
-rw-------  1 www  wheel  5082 Jun 10 16:57 pubring.gpg
-rw-------  1 www  wheel  2229 Jun 10 16:57 pubring.gpg~
-rw-------  1 www  wheel   600 Jun 10 17:00 random_seed
-rw-------  1 www  wheel  4887 Jun 10 16:57 secring.gpg

Beste Grüße,
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
default-cache-ttl 86400
max-cache-ttl 86400000
#write-env-file ~/.gnupg/.gpg-agent-info
display :0.0

Eigentlich hätte ich ja an etwas anders gedacht, nämlich, dass dein agent vielleicht garnicht gestartet ist. Aber wegen der Fehlermeldung, dass kein pnentry gefunden wird, erinnere ich, dass mir das gleiche mit GPG und Claws passiert war, wenn ich die oben zitierte conf nicht gesetzt hatte.
Da legst du fest, welches pinentry du nutzen möchtest. Für grafische Nutzung gibt es eben GTK-2 oder irgendwas für QT, das kannst du an den Endungen jeweils erkennen.
Der Rest der Conf ist nahezu selbsterklärend und vielleicht nicht unbedingt notwendig. Der Eintrag nach # war mal nötig und ist inzwischen obsolet.
Hmmm, das verstehe ich nicht ganz.
Die Konfigurationsdatei gpg-agent.conf müsste ich demnach für jeden Nutzer von Roundcube erstellen. Denke nicht, dass dies so gedacht ist.
Ich verstehe das so:
Ein beliebiger UserXYZ meldet sich bei Roundcube an. Dort kann dieser über das Webinterface seine privaten und öffentlichen Schlüssel auf dem Server im Verzeichnis /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/userXYZ/ ablegen, wobei diese die Rechte des Benutzers besitzen, unter dem der Webserver läuft, also www.
Ich denke es sollte /usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/ verwendet werden.

Das Problem besteht jedoch weiterhin, auch wenn ich die genannte Datei gpg-agent.conf erstelle und anpasse.
Einen Versuch war es aber wert.

Danke, beste Grüße,
Bitte verwechselt UNIX-Benutzerkonten nicht mit den virtuellen Konten im Roundcube.
Nun zum Thema:

There are some know issues with accepting key passphrases on various
system configurations. This is caused by issues in PinEntry handling.
Make sure that vendor/bin/crypt-gpg-pinentry works from command line.
Possible reasons:
- non-supported GnuPG version, i.e. >= 2.1
- non-working loader in shebang (#! /usr/bin/env php)

Vielleicht hilft dir das.

Hmmm, das verstehe ich nicht ganz.
ich hatte mich nicht auf Roundcube bezogen sondern meinen Fall mit Claws vorgestellt, der sicher anders gelagert ist. Die Hoffnung war, dass bei Roundcube ähnliche oder wenigstens vergleichbare Mechanismen zu finden sein könnten. Roundcube kenne ich gar nicht.

bei der Version mit Claws wird pinentry vom gpg-agent aufgerufen und stellt auch das grafische Fenster zur Eingabe der Passphrase dar. Weil es mehrere Varianten gibt, legt man dann in der entsprechenden conf eine fest. Die muss dann natürlich auch installiert sein, siehe meine Ausgabe:
pkg version -v | grep pinentry
pinentry-0.9.7                     =   up-to-date with remote
pinentry-gtk2-0.9.7                =   up-to-date with remote
pinentry-tty-0.9.7                 =   up-to-date with remote

pkg search pinentry
pinentry-0.9.7                 Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
pinentry-curses-0.9.7          Curses version of the GnuPG password dialog
pinentry-gnome3-0.9.7          GNOME 3 version of the GnuPG password dialog
pinentry-gtk2-0.9.7            GTK+ 2.0 version of the GnuPG password dialog
pinentry-qt4-0.9.7             Qt 4 version of the GnuPG password dialog
pinentry-tty-0.9.7             Console version of the GnuPG password dialog
Die muss dann natürlich auch installiert sein, siehe meine Ausgabe:

Dies ist eben bei dem Roundcube-Plugin nicht der Fall. Wie in der Dokumentation beschrieben, bringt es sein eigenes pinentry mit. Dieses muss aber natürlich funktionieren. Also muss man es auch mal auf der Kommandozeile testen.


danke Rob für die Info. Da kam es jetzt vielleicht zu Missverständnissen. Jetzt verstehe ich, was pit234a damit gemeint hat. Da haben wir vielleicht ein bisschen aneinander vorbeigeredet.
Die virtuellen User in Roundcube müssen nicht zwingend ein home-Verzeichnis besitzen, da diese ja nicht als UNIX-Benutzer am System vorhanden sein müssen - je nach Konfiguration.
Die Dokumentation habe ich bereits gelesen.
Aus diesem Grund habe ich auch gnupg auf die Version 2.0.x downgegradet.

Auch habe ich zusätzlich den Port devel/pear installiert, da ohne diesem Programm folgende Fehlermeldung erscheint:
# cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/
# php ./crypt-gpg-pinentry
PHP Warning:  require_once(PEAR/Exception.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/ on line 28
PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'PEAR/Exception.php' (include_path='/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/') in /usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/ on line 28

Installiere ich pear, so erhalte ich folgende Meldung:
# php ./crypt-gpg-pinentry
OK Crypt_GPG pinentry ready and waiting
Warum pear nicht automatisch als Abhängigkeit mitinstalliert wurde, weiß ich nicht.

Beste Grüße,
Funktioniert es denn bei dir nun @laenger ?

Bin auch erst noch über den Downgrade und den Pear gekommen... Aber leider bleibe ich dennoch im pinentry hängen.
Enigma sagt mir folgendes im Log.
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:34 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:34 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --always-trust --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --version
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:34 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:34 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 612 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-secret-keys ''
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 321 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-public-keys ''
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 337 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-keys 'BF1525B943A1902C'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 283 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --armor --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --export '07753A9E20C854CECF7A37E4BF1525B943A1902C'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 3096 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-secret-keys ''
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 321 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-public-keys ''
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 337 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-secret-keys 'BF1525B943A1902C'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 321 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --with-colons --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint --fixed-list-mode --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --list-public-keys 'BF1525B943A1902C'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 337 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: USING GPG 2.0.29 with PHP 5.6.23
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg-agent --daemon --options /dev/null --csh --keep-display --no-grab --ignore-cache-for-signing --pinentry-touch-file /dev/null --disable-scdaemon --no-use-standard-socket --pinentry-program '/usr/local/www/roundcube/vendor/' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username'
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT LAUNCH PROCESS CLOSED
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: OPENING GPG SUBPROCESS WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND:
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: /usr/local/bin/gpg --status-fd '3' --command-fd '4' --no-secmem-warning --no-tty --no-default-keyring --no-options --no-permission-warning --exit-on-status-write-error --trust-model always --armor --textmode --local-user '07753A9E20C854CECF7A37E4BF1525B943A1902C' --homedir '/usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/enigma/home/username' --detach-sign
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: BEGIN PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG is ready for input
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to write 3598 bytes to GPG input
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => wrote 3598 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 145 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: USERID_HINT BF1525B943A1902C Mein Name <>
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: NEED_PASSPHRASE BF1525B943A1902C BF1525B943A1902C 1 0
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG is ready for command data
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to write 5 bytes to GPG command
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => wrote 5
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 159 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: ERROR: gpg: problem with the agent: No pinentry
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: ERROR: gpg: skipped "07753A9E20C854CECF7A37E4BF1525B943A1902C": Operation cancelled
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: ERROR: gpg: signing failed: Operation cancelled
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 3
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG output stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG output
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG error stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG error
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 147 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: ERROR get_passphrase 85
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: MISSING_PASSPHRASE
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: INV_SGNR 0 07753A9E20C854CECF7A37E4BF1525B943A1902C
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STATUS: FAILURE sign 99
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: selecting streams
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => got 1
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG status stream ready for reading
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => about to read 8192 bytes from GPG status
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => read 0 bytes
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => closing GPG input pipe
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: END PROCESSING
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: CLOSING GPG SUBPROCESS
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: => subprocess returned an unexpected exit code: 2
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: STOPPING GPG-AGENT DAEMON
[30-Jul-2016 12:58:35 +0200]: <ffah7a7q> GPG: GPG-AGENT DAEMON STOPPED

Pinentry ist übrigens installiert.
# pkg info | grep pin
pinentry-0.9.7_1               Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs
pinentry-tty-0.9.7             Console version of the GnuPG password dialog
Grmpf.. erledigt.... Das Plugin verwendet in der shebang env für php... und /usr/local/bin war nicht in $PATH.
Darf ich nochmal nachfragen ob es bei dir läuft? Ich kann signieren und verschlüsseln. Ich kann signierte Mails anzeigen. Aber sobald ich eine verschlüsselte Mail anzeigen will hängt sich alles auf und roundcube reagiert auf nix mehr. Scheinbar ist php-fpm dann mit sich selbst beschäftigt.

Das ganze läuft bei mir auf nginx, php-fpm, SQLite3.
Hello :)

Funktioniert es denn bei dir nun @laenger ?
Nein, funktioniert leider nicht.
Ich hatte bis jetzt allerdings keine Zeit mich mit diesem Problem zu beschäftigen.

Das Plugin verwendet in der shebang env für php... und /usr/local/bin war nicht in $PATH.
Danke für die Rückmeldung, das werde ich in den kommenden Tagen versuchen.
Sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt, werde ich diese hier posten.

Beste Grüße,