"free"-Kommando für FreeBSD?



vielleicht ist das eine etwas seltsame Frage, aber was ist denn das Äquivalent zum "free"-Befehl unter Linux?

systat -vmstat zeigt sehr detailliert in welchen Bereichen der RAM in Verwendung ist, siehe auch die Manpage zu systat:

Below the paging statistics is a column of lines regarding
the virtual memory system which list the average number of
pages copied on write (`cow'), pages zero filled on demand
(`zfod'), pages optimize zero filled on demand (`ozfod'),
slow (on-the-fly) zero fills percentage (`%slo-z'), pages
wired down (`wire'), active pages (`act'), inactive pages
(`inact'), pages on the buffer cache queue (`cache'), number
of free pages (`free'), pages freed by the page daemon
(`daefr'), pages freed by exiting processes (`prcfr'), pages
reactivated from the free list (`react'), times the page dae-
mon was awakened (`pdwak'), pages analyzed by the page daemon
(`pdpgs'), and intransit blocking page faults (`intrn') per
second over the refresh interval.

At the bottom of this column are lines showing the amount of
memory, in kilobytes, used for the buffer cache (`buf'), the
number of dirty buffers in the buffer cache (`dirtybuf'),
desired maximum size of vnode cache (`desiredvnodes') (mostly
unused, except to size the name cache), number of vnodes
actually allocated (`numvnodes'), and number of allocated
vnodes that are free (`freevnodes').

Dürfte jedenfalls alles sein, was free unter Linux auch hergibt. :-)
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