FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - First Quarter 2022: Tiny mirror?


FreeBSD Fanboy
FreeBSD Quarterly Status Report - First Quarter 2022 schrieb:
Work in progress:

• Improve the package building infrastructure

• Review the service jails and service administrators operation

• Set up powerpc pkgbuilder/ref/universal machines

• Search for more providers that can fit the requirements for a generic
mirrored layout or a tiny mirror

• Work with doceng@ to improve and https://

Verstehe ich das richtig: FreeBSD ist auf der suche nach kleinen Spiegeln? Brauchen sie Rootserver? :confused:
Oder sind diese requirements gar nicht sooo klein?


Hab dazu folgendes gefunden:

Baseline specs:
  • One machine
  • reasonably modern cpu.
  • At least 24G ram, more would be better.
  • remote management capability (serial console or IPMI)
  • Hardware suitable to run zfs on (AHCI/HBA, not raid), aiming for 12TB+ for room to grow.
  • reliable network driver. eg: em / igb. Preferably not a re0.
Suitable drives structure:
  • SATA is perfectly fine as long as the machine has plenty of ram (Not raid cache!).
  • 4 x 4TB sata drives on onboard AHCI controller (12TB usable)
  • 5+ x 3TB sata drives on onboard AHCI (12TB usable)
  • 8 x 2-4TB sata or sas on something like a mps / mpr LSI card. Not mfi / MegaRAID.
  • If it has to be SAS, then something like a LSI SAS 2008 series HBA card would do.