Linux-basierte Anwendungen stürzen aufeinmal ab!


Well-Known Member

Seid neuestem habe ich den Effekt, dass alle Anwendung (Linux-basierte Ports) nicht mehr starten und mit dem Fehler

Segmentation Fault 11

nach Startversuch zum Prompt zurückkehren.
Beispielsweise tritt das bei googleearth, realplayer und Skype auf.

Google Earth beispielsweise schreibt folgendes:

 /usr/home/kater]$ realplay
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
[kater@FreeBSD_TWS29 /usr/home/kater]$ googleearth
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

Stacktrace from glibc:
  ./googleearth-bin(__gxx_personality_v0+0x1f0) [0x8057b84]
  ./googleearth-bin [0x8057f6b]
  /lib/obsolete/linuxthreads/ [0x29f29706]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a0182a0]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a019000]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a0191ae]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a017f04]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a00aa5c]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a00c475]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a01208e]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a00cd51]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a0140b3]
  /usr/lib/ [0x2a0142b0]
  /usr/X11R6/lib/ [0x29f8e77e]
  ./ [0x28e839ea]
  ./ [0x28e85286]
  ./ [0x28ef65db]
  ./ [0x28ef6aaf]
  ./ [0x28963bd5]
  ./googleearth-bin(main+0x116) [0x80583e0]
  /lib/obsolete/linuxthreads/ [0x29e122e7]
  ./googleearth-bin(__gxx_personality_v0+0x7d) [0x8057a11]

Ideen, was an meinem System nicht stimmt?

Gruss, Helko
Noch zur Info.

Da irgendwas nach dem Update zu Xorg 7.2 Google-Earth bei mir immer zum Absturz des Computers führte, machte ich ein

portupgrade -vRf googleearth

Danach startete googleearth garnicht mehr, wie oben beschrieben.

Nur leider gehen seitdem auch andere Linux-basierten Anwendungen nicht mehr (Skype, Realplayer etc...) und stürzen mit Segmentation fault 11 ab.

Bin für Tipps sehr dankbar.

Gruss, Helko
Noch ein Nachtrag:

Nicht grafische Programme funktionieren scheinbar. Z.B. die bash



Alles grafische bringt mir immer ein Segmentation fault.
Ich habe gestern auch alle Ports wieder auf den neuen Stand gebracht, aber das hat auch nichts geholfen.

Kann mir bitte bitte jemand helfen?

Acroread endet nun uebrigens so:

[kater@FreeBSD_TWS29 /usr/home/kater]$ acroread
/usr/local/Adobe/Acrobat7.0/ENU/bin/acroread: line 486: [: -ge: unary operator expected
[kater@FreeBSD_TWS29 /usr/home/kater]$

Gruss, Helko
Hast Du die Linux-Umgebung auch schon neu gebaut?


Z.B. habe ich eben grade linux-realplayer nochmal mit
portupgrade -vRf linux-realplayer
aktualisiert. Dabei wird ja auch die Linux-Umgebung aktualisiert.

Output von dem eben durchgefuehrten Prozess:
--->  Reinstallation of multimedia/linux-realplayer ended at: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 15:35:21 +0200 (consumed 00:00:54)
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 12: 12 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
--->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        + emulators/linux_base-fc4 (linux_base-fc-4_10)
        + graphics/linux-jpeg (linux-jpeg-6b.34)
        + textproc/linux-expat (linux-expat-1.95.8)
        + x11-fonts/linux-fontconfig (linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_7)
        + x11/linux-xorg-libs (linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5)
        + devel/linux-glib2 (linux-glib2-2.6.6)
        + accessibility/linux-atk (linux-atk-1.9.1)
        + graphics/linux-png (linux-png-1.2.8_2)
        + x11-toolkits/linux-pango (linux-pango-1.8.1)
        + graphics/linux-tiff (linux-tiff-3.7.1)
        + x11-toolkits/linux-gtk2 (linux-gtk2-2.6.10)
        + multimedia/linux-realplayer (linux-realplayer-
--->  Packages processed: 12 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
Output von dem eben durchgefuehrten Prozess:
--->  Reinstallation of multimedia/linux-realplayer ended at: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 15:35:21 +0200 (consumed 00:00:54)
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 12: 12 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed
--->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        + emulators/linux_base-fc4 (linux_base-fc-4_10)
        + x11-fonts/linux-fontconfig (linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_7)
        [B]+ x11/linux-xorg-libs (linux-xorg-libs-[COLOR="DarkRed"]6.8.2[/COLOR]_5)[/B]
        + devel/linux-glib2 (linux-glib2-2.6.6)
--->  Packages processed: 12 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 0 failed

Da war doch was, oder? Schau mal nach, ob es schon aktualisierte Linux-X-Libraries gibt.
Die aktuell im Portstree vorhandene Linux-X-Org-Version ist noch nicht auf Version 7.2 aktualisiert worden und beißt sich deshalb mit der 7.2 in FreeBSD. Geduld heißt die Devise.
Die aktuell im Portstree vorhandene Linux-X-Org-Version ist noch nicht auf Version 7.2 aktualisiert worden und beißt sich deshalb mit der 7.2 in FreeBSD. Geduld heißt die Devise.

Oh nein , dass ist ja der absolute Hammer und schaedlich!
Bei Dir geht noch alles ja?
Dann solltest Du auf keinen Fall Deine Linux-Umgebung updaten?
nein, andersrum wird wohl ein schuh draus. keinesfalls dein xorg von freebsd updaten (wenn ich cheasy jetzt richtig verstanden habe)
Dürfte es auch nicht. Ich habe hier ein ähnliches Setup laufen: Xorg 7.2 und den normale fc4-linux-Kram und kann über keine Probleme in dieser Richtung klagen. Bist du dir sicher, dass du beim Update alles richtig gemacht hast? In anderen Worten: hast du wirklich das ganze System auf den neuesten Stand gebracht oder nur die Teile von Xorg?
Sieht doch ganz so aus, als hättest Du das explizite
portupgrade -Rf libXft
vergessen? Ich bastels grad selbst neu, deswegen fällt mir das spontan ein :)

portupgrade -Rf libXft hats auch nicht gebracht.
Das Problem besteht nach wie vor.

Mein installierten Porst sind folgende(alle aktuell):

GraphicsMagick-1.1.7_1      =  up-to-date with port
ImageMagick-       =  up-to-date with port
ORBit2-2.14.7_1             =  up-to-date with port
OpenEXR-1.4.0               =  up-to-date with port
aalib-1.4.r5_3              =  up-to-date with port
acroread7-7.0.9_2,1         =  up-to-date with port
acroreadwrapper-0.0.20060221_2  =  up-to-date with port
akode-2.0.1,1               =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-jack-2.0.1,1  =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-mpc-2.0.1,1   =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-mpeg-2.0.1,1  =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-oss-2.0.1,1   =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-polypaudio-2.0.1_1,1  =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-resampler-2.0.1,1  =  up-to-date with port
akode-plugins-xiph-2.0.1_1,1  =  up-to-date with port
amspsfnt-1.0_5              =  up-to-date with port
anacron-2.3_4               =  up-to-date with port
apache-1.3.37_4             =  up-to-date with port
apache-ant-1.7.0_1          =  up-to-date with port
appres-1.0.1                =  up-to-date with port
apr-gdbm-db42-1.2.8_1       =  up-to-date with port
argouml-0.24_1              =  up-to-date with port
arts-1.5.6_2,1              =  up-to-date with port
artswrapper-1.5.3           =  up-to-date with port
aspell-0.60.5_2             =  up-to-date with port
atk-1.18.0_1                =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.13.000227_5      =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.53_3             =  up-to-date with port
autoconf-2.59_2             =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.4.6_3            =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.5_3,1            =  up-to-date with port
automake-1.9.6_1            =  up-to-date with port
avahi-0.6.20                =  up-to-date with port
bash-3.2.17_1               =  up-to-date with port
bdftopcf-1.0.0              =  up-to-date with port
beforelight-1.0.2           =  up-to-date with port
beryl-0.2.1                 =  up-to-date with port
beryl-core-0.2.1_1          =  up-to-date with port
beryl-manager-0.2.1_1       =  up-to-date with port
beryl-plugins-0.2.1_1       =  up-to-date with port
beryl-settings-0.2.1        =  up-to-date with port
beryl-settings-bindings-0.2.1  =  up-to-date with port
bigreqsproto-1.0.2          =  up-to-date with port
bison-1.75_2,1              =  up-to-date with port
bitmap-1.0.3                =  up-to-date with port
bitstream-vera-1.10_4       =  up-to-date with port
boehm-gc+threaded-6.8       =  up-to-date with port
boost-python-1.33.1_2       =  up-to-date with port
bsd-splash-changer-060211   =  up-to-date with port
cairo-1.4.8_1               =  up-to-date with port
castor-1.1_1                =  up-to-date with port
cdparanoia-3.9.8_8          =  up-to-date with port
cdrdao-1.2.1                =  up-to-date with port
cdrtools-2.01_6             =  up-to-date with port
cmake-2.4.6                 =  up-to-date with port
cmpsfont-1.0_6              =  up-to-date with port
compat5x-i386-     =  up-to-date with port
compositeproto-0.3.1        =  up-to-date with port
coreutils-6.9_1             =  up-to-date with port
cups-base-1.2.11_1          =  up-to-date with port
cups-pstoraster-8.15.4_1    =  up-to-date with port
curl-7.16.1                 =  up-to-date with port
cvsup-16.1h_3               =  up-to-date with port
cyrus-sasl-2.1.22           =  up-to-date with port
damageproto-1.1.0_2         =  up-to-date with port
db4-4.0.14_1,1              =  up-to-date with port
db41-4.1.25_4               =  up-to-date with port
db42-4.2.52_5               =  up-to-date with port
dbus-1.0.2_2                =  up-to-date with port
dbus-glib-0.73_1            =  up-to-date with port
dbus-qt3-0.70_1             =  up-to-date with port
de-bsdforen-firefox-searchplugin-0.2_3  =  up-to-date with port
de-kde-i18n-3.5.6_1         =  up-to-date with port
de-manpages-de-0.4          =  up-to-date with port     <  needs updating (port has 2.2.1)
desktop-file-utils-0.12_1   =  up-to-date with port
dia-gnome-0.96.1_1,1        =  up-to-date with port
diablo-jdk-    =  up-to-date with port
dirmngr-0.9.7_2             =  up-to-date with port
djbfft-0.76_2               =  up-to-date with port
dmidecode-2.8               =  up-to-date with port
dmxproto-2.2.2              =  up-to-date with port
docbook-sk-4.1.2_4          =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xml-4.2_1           =  up-to-date with port
docbook-xsl-1.71.1_2        =  up-to-date with port
dri-6.5.3_1,2               =  up-to-date with port
dvd+rw-tools-7.0            =  up-to-date with port
dvdauthor-0.6.14            =  up-to-date with port
eclipse-3.2.1_3             =  up-to-date with port
editres-1.0.3               =  up-to-date with port
elinks-0.11.2_1             =  up-to-date with port
emerald-0.2.1_1             =  up-to-date with port
emerald-themes-0.2.1        =  up-to-date with port
encodings-1.0.2,1           =  up-to-date with port
esound-0.2.38               =  up-to-date with port
evieext-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
expat-2.0.0_1               =  up-to-date with port
ezm3-1.2_1                  =  up-to-date with port
faac-1.25                   =  up-to-date with port
faad2-2.5,1                 =  up-to-date with port
ffcall-1.10_1               =  up-to-date with port
ffmpeg-2007.05.30_1         =  up-to-date with port
fftw3-3.1.2                 =  up-to-date with port
filezilla-3.0.0.b7_1        =  up-to-date with port
firefox-,1           =  up-to-date with port
firefox-i18n-        =  up-to-date with port
fixesproto-4.0              =  up-to-date with port
flac-1.1.2_1                =  up-to-date with port
flpsed-0.3.5_1              =  up-to-date with port
fltk-1.1.7_3                =  up-to-date with port
font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.0_1   =  up-to-date with port
font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0      =  up-to-date with port
font-adobe-utopia-100dpi-1.0.1  =  up-to-date with port
font-adobe-utopia-75dpi-1.0.1  =  up-to-date with port
font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.1  =  up-to-date with port
font-alias-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
font-arabic-misc-1.0.0      =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-100dpi-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-75dpi-1.0.0         =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-ttf-1.0.0           =  up-to-date with port
font-bh-type1-1.0.0         =  up-to-date with port
font-bitstream-100dpi-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-bitstream-75dpi-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-bitstream-type1-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-cronyx-cyrillic-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-cursor-misc-1.0.0      =  up-to-date with port
font-daewoo-misc-1.0.0      =  up-to-date with port
font-dec-misc-1.0.0         =  up-to-date with port
font-ibm-type1-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-isas-misc-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-jis-misc-1.0.0         =  up-to-date with port
font-micro-misc-1.0.0       =  up-to-date with port
font-misc-cyrillic-1.0.0    =  up-to-date with port
font-misc-ethiopic-1.0.0    =  up-to-date with port
font-misc-meltho-1.0.0_1    =  up-to-date with port
font-misc-misc-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-mutt-misc-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-schumacher-misc-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-screen-cyrillic-1.0.1  =  up-to-date with port
font-sony-misc-1.0.0        =  up-to-date with port
font-sun-misc-1.0.0         =  up-to-date with port
font-util-1.0.1             =  up-to-date with port
font-winitzki-cyrillic-1.0.0  =  up-to-date with port
font-xfree86-type1-1.0.0    =  up-to-date with port
fontcacheproto-0.1.2        =  up-to-date with port
fontconfig-2.4.2_2,1        =  up-to-date with port
fontsproto-2.0.2            =  up-to-date with port
fonttosfnt-1.0.3            =  up-to-date with port
freemind-0.8.0_1,1          =  up-to-date with port
freetype2-2.2.1_2           =  up-to-date with port
fribidi-0.10.8              =  up-to-date with port
fslsfonts-1.0.1             =  up-to-date with port
fstobdf-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
gail-1.18.0_1               =  up-to-date with port
gamin-0.1.8_1               =  up-to-date with port
gcc-4.1.3_20070618          =  up-to-date with port
gcc-ooo-3.4.1_2             =  up-to-date with port
gccmakedep-1.0.2            =  up-to-date with port
gconf2-           =  up-to-date with port
gd-2.0.34_1,1               =  up-to-date with port
gdbm-1.8.3_3                =  up-to-date with port
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0_6         =  up-to-date with port
gettext-0.16.1_3            =  up-to-date with port
ghostscript-afpl-8.54_4,1   =  up-to-date with port
gimp-print-4.2.7_3          =  up-to-date with port
gimpshop-2.2.11_5           =  up-to-date with port
glib-1.2.10_12              =  up-to-date with port
glib-2.12.12_2              =  up-to-date with port
glitz-0.5.6_1               =  up-to-date with port
glproto-1.4.8               =  up-to-date with port
gmake-3.81_2                =  up-to-date with port
gnome-icon-theme-2.18.0_1   =  up-to-date with port
gnome-keyring-0.8.1_1       =  up-to-date with port
gnome-mime-data-2.18.0_1    =  up-to-date with port
gnome-vfs-2.18.1_2          =  up-to-date with port
gnome_subr-1.0              =  up-to-date with port
gnomehier-2.2_2             =  up-to-date with port
gnu-autoconf-2.61           =  up-to-date with port
gnu-automake-1.10           =  up-to-date with port
gnupg-2.0.4                 =  up-to-date with port
gnutls-1.6.2                =  up-to-date with port
gpac-libgpac-0.4.2.r2,1     =  up-to-date with port
gpgme-1.1.3_3               =  up-to-date with port
graphviz-2.12_2             =  up-to-date with port
gsfonts-8.11_4              =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-0.10.13           =  up-to-date with port
gstreamer-plugins-0.10.13,3  =  up-to-date with port
gtar-1.17_1                 =  up-to-date with port
gtk-1.2.10_18               =  up-to-date with port
gtk-2.10.13                 =  up-to-date with port
gtk-engines2-2.10.2         =  up-to-date with port
gtk-sharp-2.10.0_2          =  up-to-date with port
hal-        =  up-to-date with port
help2man-1.36.4_1           =  up-to-date with port
hicolor-icon-theme-0.10_2   =  up-to-date with port
hpijs-2.1.4_1               =  up-to-date with port
iceauth-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
ico-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
icon-naming-utils-0.8.2     =  up-to-date with port
icu-3.6                     =  up-to-date with port
ilbc-r3951                  =  up-to-date with port
imake-1.0.2_4,1             =  up-to-date with port
imlib2-20070223_1,1         =  up-to-date with port
inputproto-1.3.2            =  up-to-date with port
intltool-0.35.5_2           =  up-to-date with port
jackit-0.103.0              =  up-to-date with port
jasper-1.900.1_1            =  up-to-date with port
javavmwrapper-2.3           =  up-to-date with port
jbigkit-1.6                 =  up-to-date with port
jpeg-6b_4                   =  up-to-date with port
jpeg2pdf-0.12               =  up-to-date with port
k3b-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
k9copy-1.0.4_2              =  up-to-date with port
kbproto-1.0.3               =  up-to-date with port
kde-3.5.6_1                 =  up-to-date with port
kde-icons-nuvola-1.0_1      =  up-to-date with port
kde-style-lipstik-2.2.2_1   =  up-to-date with port
kde-xdg-env-1.0_2,1         =  up-to-date with port
kdeaccessibility-3.5.6_1    =  up-to-date with port
kdeadmin-3.5.6_1            =  up-to-date with port
kdeartwork-3.5.6_2          =  up-to-date with port
kdebase-3.5.6_3             =  up-to-date with port
kdebase-kompmgr-3.5.6_1     =  up-to-date with port
kdeedu-3.5.6_1              =  up-to-date with port
kdegames-3.5.6_1            =  up-to-date with port
kdegraphics-3.5.6_1         =  up-to-date with port
kdegraphics-kamera-3.5.6_1  =  up-to-date with port
kdehier-1.0_11              =  up-to-date with port
kdelibs-3.5.6_3             =  up-to-date with port
kdemultimedia-3.5.6_1       =  up-to-date with port
kdemultimedia-mpeglib_artsplug-3.5.6_1  =  up-to-date with port
kdemultimedia-xine_artsplugin-3.5.6_2  =  up-to-date with port
kdenetwork-3.5.6_1          =  up-to-date with port
kdenetwork-kopete-0.12.4_1  =  up-to-date with port
kdepim-3.5.6_4              =  up-to-date with port
kdesdk-3.5.6_1              =  up-to-date with port
kdesvn-0.12.1               =  up-to-date with port
kdetoys-3.5.6_1             =  up-to-date with port
kdeutils-3.5.6_1            =  up-to-date with port
kdevelop-3.4.0_3            =  up-to-date with port
kdewebdev-3.5.6_1,2         =  up-to-date with port
kdmtheme-1.1.3_1            =  up-to-date with port
kile-1.9.3_1                =  up-to-date with port
kmplayer-0.9.3_2,2          =  up-to-date with port
kmysqladmin-0.7.2_1         =  up-to-date with port
koffice-1.6.2_3,2           =  up-to-date with port
kovpn-0.3_1                 =  up-to-date with port
krdesktop-1.8_5             =  up-to-date with port
ktagebuch-0.74_4            =  up-to-date with port
kxmleditor-1.1.4_4          =  up-to-date with port
lame-3.97_1                 =  up-to-date with port
lcms-1.16_1,1               =  up-to-date with port
ldconfig_compat-1.0_8       =  up-to-date with port
libFS-1.0.0                 =  up-to-date with port
libGL-6.5.3_3               =  up-to-date with port
libGLU-6.5.3                =  up-to-date with port
libICE-1.0.3,1              =  up-to-date with port
libIDL-0.8.8                =  up-to-date with port
libSM-1.0.2,1               =  up-to-date with port
libX11-1.1.2,1              =  up-to-date with port
libXScrnSaver-1.1.2         =  up-to-date with port
libXTrap-1.0.0              =  up-to-date with port
libXau-1.0.3_2              =  up-to-date with port
libXaw-1.0.2,1              =  up-to-date with port
libXcomposite-0.3.1,1       =  up-to-date with port
libXcursor-1.1.8_1          =  up-to-date with port
libXdamage-1.1.1            =  up-to-date with port
libXdmcp-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
libXevie-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
libXext-1.0.3,1             =  up-to-date with port
libXfixes-4.0.3             =  up-to-date with port
libXfont-1.2.8,1            =  up-to-date with port
libXfontcache-1.0.4         =  up-to-date with port
libXft-2.1.12               =  up-to-date with port
libXi-1.0.2,1               =  up-to-date with port
libXinerama-1.0.1,1         =  up-to-date with port
libXmu-1.0.3,1              =  up-to-date with port
libXp-1.0.0,1               =  up-to-date with port
libXpm-3.5.6_1              =  up-to-date with port
libXprintAppUtil-1.0.1      =  up-to-date with port
libXprintUtil-1.0.1         =  up-to-date with port
libXrandr-1.2.1             =  up-to-date with port
libXrender-0.9.2            =  up-to-date with port
libXres-1.0.3_1             =  up-to-date with port
libXt-1.0.5                 =  up-to-date with port
libXtst-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
libXv-1.0.3,1               =  up-to-date with port
libXvMC-1.0.4               =  up-to-date with port
libXxf86dga-1.0.1           =  up-to-date with port
libXxf86misc-1.0.1          =  up-to-date with port
libXxf86vm-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
liba52-0.7.4_1              =  up-to-date with port
liba52-devel-  =  up-to-date with port
libao-esound-0.8.5_5        =  up-to-date with port
libart_lgpl-2.3.19,1        =  up-to-date with port
libassuan-1.0.1             =  up-to-date with port
libaudiofile-0.2.6          =  up-to-date with port
libbonobo-2.18.0_1          =  up-to-date with port
libbonoboui-2.18.0_1        =  up-to-date with port
libcaca-0.99.b11_1          =  up-to-date with port
libcddb-1.3.0               =  up-to-date with port
libcdio-0.77_2              =  up-to-date with port
libcroco-0.6.1              =  up-to-date with port
libdaemon-0.11              =  up-to-date with port
libdca-0.0.5                =  up-to-date with port
libdmx-1.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
libdnet-1.11_1              =  up-to-date with port
libdrm-2.3.0                =  up-to-date with port
libdv-0.104_4               =  up-to-date with port
libdvbpsi-0.1.5_1           =  up-to-date with port
libdvdcss-1.2.9_2           =  up-to-date with port
libdvdnav-0.1.10_2          =  up-to-date with port
libdvdread-0.9.7_2          =  up-to-date with port
libebml-0.7.7               =  up-to-date with port
libexif-0.6.15              =  up-to-date with port
libfame-0.9.1_2             =  up-to-date with port
libfontenc-1.0.4            =  up-to-date with port
libfpx-             =  up-to-date with port
libgcrypt-1.2.4_1           =  up-to-date with port
libggi-2.2.2_1,1            =  up-to-date with port
libgii-1.0.2_1              =  up-to-date with port
libglade2-2.6.1             =  up-to-date with port
libglut-6.5.2_1             =  up-to-date with port
libgmp-4.2.1_2              =  up-to-date with port
libgnome-2.18.0_1           =  up-to-date with port
libgnomecanvas-2.14.0_3     =  up-to-date with port
libgnomecups-0.2.2_3,1      =  up-to-date with port
libgnomeprint-2.18.0_1      =  up-to-date with port
libgnomeprintui-2.18.0_1    =  up-to-date with port
libgnomeui-2.18.1_1         =  up-to-date with port
libgpg-error-1.4_1          =  up-to-date with port
libgphoto2-2.3.1            =  up-to-date with port
libgsf-1.14.4_1             =  up-to-date with port
libgtkhtml-2.11.0_3         =  up-to-date with port
libiconv-1.9.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
libid3tag-0.15.1b           =  up-to-date with port
libidn-0.6.14               =  up-to-date with port
libijs-0.35_1               =  up-to-date with port
libirman-0.4.4              =  up-to-date with port
libksba-1.0.1_1             =  up-to-date with port
libltdl-1.5.22_2            =  up-to-date with port
libmad-0.15.1b_2            =  up-to-date with port
libmal-0.42_1               =  up-to-date with port
libmatroska-0.8.1           =  up-to-date with port
libmikmod-esound-3.1.11_2   =  up-to-date with port
libmng-1.0.9                =  up-to-date with port
libmodplug-0.8.4            =  up-to-date with port
libmpcdec-1.2.6             =  up-to-date with port
libmpeg2-0.4.1_1            =  up-to-date with port
libmspack-0.0.20040308_3    =  up-to-date with port
libmusicbrainz-2.1.5        =  up-to-date with port
libnotify-0.4.4_1           =  up-to-date with port
libogg-1.1.3,3              =  up-to-date with port
liboil-0.3.12               =  up-to-date with port
liboldX-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
libopendaap-0.4.0_1         =  up-to-date with port
libpaper-1.1.21_3           =  up-to-date with port
librsvg2-2.16.1_1           =  up-to-date with port
libsamplerate-0.1.2_2       =  up-to-date with port
libsndfile-1.0.17           =  up-to-date with port
libssh2-0.14_1              =  up-to-date with port
libthai-0.1.5_1             =  up-to-date with port
libtheora-1.0.a7            =  up-to-date with port
libtool-1.5.22_4            =  up-to-date with port
libungif-4.1.4_3            =  up-to-date with port
libusb-0.1.12_1             =  up-to-date with port
libvolume_id-0.75.0_1       =  up-to-date with port
libvorbis-1.1.2,3           =  up-to-date with port
libwmf-            =  up-to-date with port
libwnck-2.18.2              =  up-to-date with port
libwpd-0.8.9_1              =  up-to-date with port
libwww-5.4.0_4              =  up-to-date with port
libxine-1.1.4_6             =  up-to-date with port
libxkbfile-1.0.4            =  up-to-date with port
libxkbui-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
libxml2-2.6.27              =  up-to-date with port
libxslt-1.1.20              =  up-to-date with port
linc-1.0.3_6                =  up-to-date with port
linux-atk-1.9.1             =  up-to-date with port
linux-divx4linux-0.20011010.4.02_3  =  up-to-date with port
linux-expat-1.95.8          =  up-to-date with port
linux-flashplugin-9.0r31_1  =  up-to-date with port
linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_7    =  up-to-date with port
linux-glib2-2.6.6           =  up-to-date with port
linux-gtk2-2.6.10           =  up-to-date with port
linux-jpeg-6b.34            =  up-to-date with port
linux-openssl-0.9.7f        =  up-to-date with port
linux-oracle-instantclient-basic-  =  up-to-date with port
linux-oracle-instantclient-sqlplus-  =  up-to-date with port
linux-pango-1.8.1           =  up-to-date with port
linux-png-1.2.8_2           =  up-to-date with port
linux-realplayer-  =  up-to-date with port
linux-sun-jdk-      =  up-to-date with port
linux-sun-jdk-,2    <  needs updating (port has,2)
linux-tiff-3.7.1            =  up-to-date with port
linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5     =  up-to-date with port
linux_base-fc-4_10          =  up-to-date with port
linux_dri-6.5               =  up-to-date with port
linuxpluginwrapper-20051113_8  =  up-to-date with port
lirc-0.8.0_1                =  up-to-date with port
listres-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
liveMedia-2007.05.24_1,1    =  up-to-date with port
localedata-5.4              =  up-to-date with port
lua-5.0.3                   =  up-to-date with port
lua-5.1.1_2                 =  up-to-date with port
luit-1.0.2_2                =  up-to-date with port
lynx-2.8.6_5,1              =  up-to-date with port
lzo2-2.02_1                 =  up-to-date with port
m4-1.4.9                    =  up-to-date with port
mDNSResponder-108           =  up-to-date with port
makedepend-1.0.0,1          =  up-to-date with port
mesa-demos-6.5.3_2          =  up-to-date with port
mjpegtools-1.9.0.r2         =  up-to-date with port
mkcomposecache-1.2_1        =  up-to-date with port
mkfontdir-1.0.2             =  up-to-date with port
mkfontscale-1.0.3           =  up-to-date with port
mono-              =  up-to-date with port
monodoc-1.2.3               =  up-to-date with port
moodin-0.4.2_1              =  up-to-date with port
mp3butler-2.40              =  up-to-date with port
mpeg2codec-1.2_2            =  up-to-date with port
mpeg4ip-libmp4v2-    =  up-to-date with port
mplayer-0.99.10_11          =  up-to-date with port
mplayer-skins-1.1.2_6       =  up-to-date with port
mysql-client-5.0.41         =  up-to-date with port
nas-1.8_1                   =  up-to-date with port
nasm-0.98.39,1              =  up-to-date with port
ncftp-3.2.0                 =  up-to-date with port
neon-0.26.3                 =  up-to-date with port
net-snmp-5.3.1_3            =  up-to-date with port
netpbm-10.26.42             =  up-to-date with port
nmap-4.20_1                 =  up-to-date with port
nmapfe-4.20_1               =  up-to-date with port
nspr-4.6.6                  =  up-to-date with port
nss-3.11.5                  =  up-to-date with port
oclock-1.0.1                =  up-to-date with port
ogle-0.9.2_8                =  up-to-date with port
okle-0.4_4                  =  up-to-date with port
open-motif-2.2.3_3          =  up-to-date with port
openldap-client-2.3.36      =  up-to-date with port
openslp-1.2.1_2             =  up-to-date with port
openvpn-2.0.6_7             =  up-to-date with port
openvpn-admin-1.9.3b_1      =  up-to-date with port
opera-9.21.20070510_1       =  up-to-date with port
opera-linuxplugins-9.21.20070510_1  =  up-to-date with port
ortp-0.13.0                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.1902    =  up-to-date with port
p5-Archive-Tar-1.32         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Archive-Zip-1.20         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Authen-SASL-2.10_1       =  up-to-date with port
p5-CDDB-1.17                =  up-to-date with port
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.004  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Compress-Zlib-2.004      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.04  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.25   =  up-to-date with port
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.04  =  up-to-date with port
p5-DBD-Pg-1.49              =  up-to-date with port
p5-DBD-mysql-4.005          =  up-to-date with port
p5-DBI-1.57                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-Date-Manip-5.44          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-1.15              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-MD5-2.36          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-SHA-5.44          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.11         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Email-Address-1.88.8     =  up-to-date with port
p5-Encode-Detect-1.00       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Error-0.17.008           =  up-to-date with port
p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.19   =  up-to-date with port
p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS-2.18    =  up-to-date with port
p5-File-Temp-0.18           =  up-to-date with port
p5-File-Which-0.05          =  up-to-date with port
p5-GSSAPI-0.24              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Geography-Countries-1.4  =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Parser-3.56         =  up-to-date with port
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.10         =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Compress-Base-2.004   =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Compress-Zlib-2.004   =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.51_1   =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-1.07       =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-String-1.08           =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-Zlib-1.05             =  up-to-date with port
p5-IO-stringy-2.110         =  up-to-date with port
p5-IP-Country-2.23_1        =  up-to-date with port
p5-MIME-Base64-3.07         =  up-to-date with port
p5-MP3-Tag-0.9709           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-DKIM-0.26           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-DomainKeys-1.0      =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-SPF-2.004           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1   =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-3.2.1  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Mail-Tools-1.74          =  up-to-date with port
p5-Math-BigInt-1.86         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Module-Build-0.28.08     =  up-to-date with port
p5-MusicBrainz-Client-0.11  =  up-to-date with port
p5-MusicBrainz-Queries-0.11  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-1.21,1               =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.20       =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-DNS-0.59             =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.002.2  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-IP-1.25              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.30_1        =  up-to-date with port
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.00.7        =  up-to-date with port
p5-Parse-Syslog-1.09        =  up-to-date with port
p5-PathTools-3.25           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Scalar-List-Utils-1.19,1  =  up-to-date with port
p5-Socket6-0.19             =  up-to-date with port
p5-Spiffy-0.30              =  up-to-date with port
p5-Storable-2.16            =  up-to-date with port
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.4    =  up-to-date with port
p5-Test-Base-0.53           =  up-to-date with port
p5-Test-Harness-2.64        =  up-to-date with port
p5-Test-Simple-0.70         =  up-to-date with port
p5-Text-Diff-0.35           =  up-to-date with port
p5-URI-1.35                 =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-LibXML-1.63000       =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-LibXML-Common-0.13   =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09_1  =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-Parser-2.34_2        =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-SAX-0.15             =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.39       =  up-to-date with port
p5-XML-Simple-2.16_1        =  up-to-date with port
p5-YAML-0.65                =  up-to-date with port
p5-gettext-1.05_1           =  up-to-date with port
p5-libwww-5.805             =  up-to-date with port
p5-type1inst-0.6.1_3        =  up-to-date with port
p5-version-0.72.03          =  up-to-date with port
p7zip-4.47                  =  up-to-date with port
pango-1.16.4_1              =  up-to-date with port
patch-2.5.4                 =  up-to-date with port
pccts-1.33.33               =  up-to-date with port
pciids-20070528             =  up-to-date with port
pcre-7.1                    =  up-to-date with port
perl-5.8.8                  =  up-to-date with port
php5-5.2.3                  =  up-to-date with port
pilot-link-0.12.1_1,1       =  up-to-date with port
pkg-config-0.21             =  up-to-date with port
pkg_cutleaves-20061113      =  up-to-date with port
planner-0.14.2_3            =  up-to-date with port
png-1.2.18                  =  up-to-date with port
policykit-0.1.20060514_4    =  up-to-date with port
polypaudio-0.7_4            =  up-to-date with port
poppler-0.5.4_3             =  up-to-date with port
poppler-data-0.1            =  up-to-date with port
poppler-qt-0.5.4_1          =  up-to-date with port
popt-1.7_4                  =  up-to-date with port
portaudio-18.1_2            =  up-to-date with port
portupgrade-2.2.6_3,2       =  up-to-date with port
postgresql-client-7.4.17    =  up-to-date with port
postgresql-libpqxx-2.6.9    =  up-to-date with port
pptpclient-1.7.1            =  up-to-date with port
printproto-1.0.3            =  up-to-date with port
pth-2.0.7                   =  up-to-date with port
putty-0.60                  =  up-to-date with port
py24-cairo-1.4.0_1          =  up-to-date with port
py24-gobject-2.12.3         =  up-to-date with port
py24-gtk-2.10.4_1           =  up-to-date with port
py24-imaging-1.1.6_2        =  up-to-date with port
py24-numeric-24.2           =  up-to-date with port
py24-qt-3.17.2_2,1          =  up-to-date with port
py24-reportlab-1.21.1       =  up-to-date with port
py24-sip-4.6,1              =  up-to-date with port
py24-tkinter-2.4.4_2        =  up-to-date with port
pyrex-              =  up-to-date with port
python-2.4.4,1              =  up-to-date with port
python24-2.4.4              =  up-to-date with port
qca-tls-1.0_2               =  up-to-date with port
qmake-3.3.8_1               =  up-to-date with port
qscintilla-1.7.1_1          =  up-to-date with port
qt-copy-3.3.8_3             =  up-to-date with port
randrproto-1.2.1            =  up-to-date with port
rar-3.70b1_2,1              =  up-to-date with port
razor-agents-2.84           =  up-to-date with port
rdesktop-1.5.0_2            =  up-to-date with port
re2c-0.12.1                 =  up-to-date with port
recordproto-1.13.2          =  up-to-date with port
renderproto-0.9.2           =  up-to-date with port
resourceproto-1.0.2         =  up-to-date with port
rgb-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
rpm-3.0.6_13                =  up-to-date with port
rpm2cpio-1.2_2              =  up-to-date with port
rstart-1.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
rtc-2004.02.24.1_8          =  up-to-date with port
ruby+oniguruma-1.8.6,1      =  up-to-date with port
ruby18-bdb-0.6.0            =  up-to-date with port
samba-3.0.25a,1             =  up-to-date with port
samba-libsmbclient-3.0.25a_1  =  up-to-date with port
scribus-           =  up-to-date with port
scripts-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
scrnsaverproto-1.1.0        =  up-to-date with port
scrollkeeper-0.3.14_8,1     =  up-to-date with port
sdl-1.2.11_1,2              =  up-to-date with port
sdl_image-1.2.5_2           =  up-to-date with port
sdl_mixer-1.2.7_1           =  up-to-date with port
sdocbook-xml-1.1,1          =  up-to-date with port
sessreg-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
setxkbmap-1.0.3             =  up-to-date with port
shared-mime-info-0.21_3     =  up-to-date with port
showfont-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
skype-            =  up-to-date with port
smpeg-0.4.4_7               =  up-to-date with port
smproxy-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
speex-1.2.b1_1,1            =  up-to-date with port
spidermonkey-1.5_3          =  up-to-date with port
sqlite3-3.3.17              =  up-to-date with port
startup-notification-0.9_1  =  up-to-date with port
subversion-1.4.3_2          =  up-to-date with port
superkaramba-lwp-14.6_1     =  up-to-date with port
svgalib-1.4.3_5             =  up-to-date with port
svnkit-1.1.2_1              =  up-to-date with port
t1lib-5.1.1_1,1             =  up-to-date with port
taglib-1.4_2                =  up-to-date with port
tcl-8.4.15_2,1              =  up-to-date with port
tcm-2.20_3                  =  up-to-date with port
teTeX-base-3.0_12           =  up-to-date with port
teTeX-texmf-3.0_5           =  up-to-date with port
tex-texmflocal-1.9          =  up-to-date with port
texi2html-1.76_1,1          =  up-to-date with port
thunderbird-         =  up-to-date with port
thunderbird-dictionaries-20060220_3  =  up-to-date with port
thunderbird-i18n-    =  up-to-date with port
tidy-20000804_2             =  up-to-date with port
tiff-3.8.2_1                =  up-to-date with port
tk-8.4.15_2,2               =  up-to-date with port
tpb-0.6.4_2                 =  up-to-date with port
transcode-1.0.3_2           =  up-to-date with port
transfig-3.2.5              =  up-to-date with port
trapproto-3.4.3             =  up-to-date with port
tvbrowser-2.5.2_1           =  up-to-date with port
twm-1.0.3_3                 =  up-to-date with port
twolame-0.3.10              =  up-to-date with port
unix2dos-1.3                =  up-to-date with port
unmakeself-1.1              =  up-to-date with port
unrar-3.70,4                =  up-to-date with port
unzip-5.52_3                =  up-to-date with port
upnp-1.4.6,1                =  up-to-date with port
v4l_compat-1.0.20060801     =  up-to-date with port
vamps-0.99.2_1              =  up-to-date with port
vcdimager-0.7.23_3          =  up-to-date with port
videoproto-2.2.2            =  up-to-date with port
viewres-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
vlc-0.8.6.c,2               =  up-to-date with port
vnc-4.1.2_2                 =  up-to-date with port
vorbis-tools-1.1.1_3,3      =  up-to-date with port
w3m-0.5.2                   =  up-to-date with port
wget-1.10.2_1               =  up-to-date with port
word2x-0.005_2              =  up-to-date with port
wpa_supplicant-0.3.8_2      =  up-to-date with port
wpi-firmware-kmod-1.0_1     ?  error - origin not found
wv2-0.2.3_1                 =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-2.6.3_4              =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-2.8.4                =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-common-2.6.3_3       =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-common-2.8.4         =  up-to-date with port
wxgtk2-unicode-2.8.4        =  up-to-date with port
x11perf-1.4.1               =  up-to-date with port
x264-0.0.20070531           =  up-to-date with port
xanim-2.92.0_1              =  up-to-date with port
xauth-1.0.2                 =  up-to-date with port
xbatt-1.2.1_1               =  up-to-date with port
xbiff-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xbitmaps-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xcalc-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xclipboard-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
xclock-1.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
xcmiscproto-1.1.2           =  up-to-date with port
xcmsdb-1.0.1                =  up-to-date with port
xconsole-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
xcursor-themes-1.0.1_1      =  up-to-date with port
xcursorgen-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
xdbedizzy-1.0.2             =  up-to-date with port
xditview-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xdm-1.1.4_2                 =  up-to-date with port
xdpyinfo-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xdriinfo-1.0.1_1            =  up-to-date with port
xedit-1.0.2                 =  up-to-date with port
xev-1.0.2                   =  up-to-date with port
xextproto-7.0.2             =  up-to-date with port
xeyes-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-acecad-1.1.0     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-calcomp-1.1.0    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-citron-2.2.0     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-digitaledge-1.1.0  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-dmc-1.1.0        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-dynapro-1.1.0    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-elo2300-1.1.0    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-elographics-1.1.0  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-fpit-1.1.0       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-hyperpen-1.1.0   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-jamstudio-1.1.0  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-joystick-1.1.0   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-keyboard-1.1.1   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-magellan-1.1.0   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-magictouch-  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-microtouch-1.1.0  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-mouse-1.1.2      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-mutouch-1.1.0    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-palmax-1.1.0     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-penmount-1.2.0   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-spaceorb-1.1.0   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-summa-1.1.0      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-tek4957-1.1.0    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-input-void-1.1.0       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-apm-1.1.1        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-ark-0.6.0        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-ati-6.6.3_2      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-chips-1.1.1      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-cirrus-1.1.0     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-cyrix-1.1.0      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-dummy-0.2.0      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-fbdev-0.3.1      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-glint-1.1.1_2    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-i128-1.2.1       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-i740-1.1.0       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-i810-1.6.5_2     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-imstt-1.1.0      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-mga-    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-neomagic-1.1.1   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-newport-0.2.1    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-nsc-2.8.2        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-nv-       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-rendition-4.1.3  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-s3-0.5.0         =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-s3virge-1.9.1    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-savage-2.1.2_2   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-siliconmotion-1.4.2  =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-sis-0.9.3_1      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-tdfx-1.3.0_1     =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-tga-1.1.0        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-trident-1.2.3    =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-tseng-1.1.1      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-vesa-1.3.0       =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-vga-4.1.0        =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-via-0.2.2_1      =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-vmware-10.14.1   =  up-to-date with port
xf86-video-voodoo-1.1.1     =  up-to-date with port
xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2      =  up-to-date with port
xf86dga-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
xf86dgaproto-2.0.2          =  up-to-date with port
xf86driproto-2.0.3          =  up-to-date with port
xf86miscproto-0.9.2         =  up-to-date with port
xf86rushproto-1.1.2         =  up-to-date with port
xf86vidmodeproto-2.2.2      =  up-to-date with port
xfd-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xfindproxy-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
xfontsel-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
xfs-1.0.4_3,1               =  up-to-date with port
xfsinfo-1.0.1               =  up-to-date with port
xfwp-1.0.1                  =  up-to-date with port
xgamma-1.0.1                =  up-to-date with port
xgc-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xhost-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xineramaproto-1.1.2         =  up-to-date with port
xinit-1.0.3                 =  up-to-date with port
xkbcomp-1.0.3               =  up-to-date with port
xkbevd-1.0.2                =  up-to-date with port
xkbprint-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xkbutils-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xkeyboard-config-0.9_3      =  up-to-date with port
xkill-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xload-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xlogo-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xlsatoms-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xlsclients-1.0.1            =  up-to-date with port
xlsfonts-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
xmag-1.0.1                  =  up-to-date with port
xman-1.0.2                  =  up-to-date with port
xmessage-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xmh-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xmlcatmgr-2.2               =  up-to-date with port
xmms-1.2.10_9               =  up-to-date with port
xmms-nas-0.2_2              =  up-to-date with port
xmodmap-1.0.2               =  up-to-date with port
xmore-1.0.1                 =  up-to-date with port
xorg-7.2                    =  up-to-date with port
xorg-apps-7.2               =  up-to-date with port
xorg-cf-files-1.0.2_2       =  up-to-date with port
xorg-docs-1.3,1             =  up-to-date with port
xorg-drivers-7.2            =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-100dpi-7.2       =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-7.2              =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-75dpi-7.2        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-cyrillic-7.2     =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.2  =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.2     =  up-to-date with port
xorg-fonts-type1-7.2        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-libraries-7.2_1        =  up-to-date with port
xorg-nestserver-1.2.0,1     =  up-to-date with port
xorg-printserver-1.2.0,1    =  up-to-date with port
xorg-protos-7.2             =  up-to-date with port
xorg-server-1.2.0_2,1       =  up-to-date with port
xorg-vfbserver-1.2.0,1      =  up-to-date with port
xosd-2.2.12_2               =  up-to-date with port
xpdf-3.02_1                 =  up-to-date with port
xphelloworld-1.0.1          =  up-to-date with port
xpi-locale-switcher-2.0     =  up-to-date with port
xpi-quick-locale-switcher-1.6.1  =  up-to-date with port
xplsprinters-1.0.1          =  up-to-date with port
xpr-1.0.2                   =  up-to-date with port
xprehashprinterlist-1.0.1   =  up-to-date with port
xprop-1.0.2                 =  up-to-date with port
xproto-7.0.10               =  up-to-date with port
xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.2  =  up-to-date with port
xrandr-1.2.0                =  up-to-date with port
xrdb-1.0.3                  =  up-to-date with port
xrefresh-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
xrx-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xset-1.0.2                  =  up-to-date with port
xsetmode-1.0.0              =  up-to-date with port
xsetpointer-1.0.0           =  up-to-date with port
xsetroot-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xsm-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xstdcmap-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xterm-225_1                 =  up-to-date with port
xtermcontrol-2.8_1          =  up-to-date with port
xtrans-1.0.3                =  up-to-date with port
xtrap-1.0.2                 =  up-to-date with port
xvid-1.1.2,1                =  up-to-date with port
xvid4conf-1.12_1            =  up-to-date with port
xvidtune-1.0.1              =  up-to-date with port
xvinfo-1.0.1                =  up-to-date with port
xwd-1.0.1                   =  up-to-date with port
xwininfo-1.0.2              =  up-to-date with port
xwud-1.0.1                  =  up-to-date with port
zip-2.32                    =  up-to-date with port
Dürfte es auch nicht. Ich habe hier ein ähnliches Setup laufen: Xorg 7.2 und den normale fc4-linux-Kram und kann über keine Probleme in dieser Richtung klagen. Bist du dir sicher, dass du beim Update alles richtig gemacht hast? In anderen Worten: hast du wirklich das ganze System auf den neuesten Stand gebracht oder nur die Teile von Xorg?

Hast Du, nachdem Du auf Xorg 7.2 geupdated hast, versucht, die Linux-Umgebung mal neu zu bauen? Und ging dann auch noch alles?
Ein komplettes Reinstall von Xorg 7.2 hat das mysterioese Verhalten beseitigt.

Kann also nicht sagen, woran das lag!

Danke fuer die Anteilnahme ;)