Releaseplan für FreeBSD 7.1 und 6.4 vorgestellt


Possessed With Psi Powers
Ken Smith hat den Zeitplan für FreeBSD 7.1 und 6.4 vorgestellt. Zudem schreibt er, dass 6.4 vermutlich das wirklich letzte Release des RELENG_6 Zweiges sein wird. Aber lest selbst:
From: Ken Smith <kensmith@cse.Buffalo.EDU>                                      
To: freebsd-current <>,                              
        freebsd-stable <>                             
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:51:36 -0400                                           
X-Mailer: Evolution FreeBSD GNOME Team Port                            
Subject: Upcoming Releases Schedule...                                          
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We're about to start the release cycle for FreeBSD-7.1 and FreeBSD-6.4.         
The proposed schedule for the "major events" of the cycle is:                   
        Freeze          August 29                                               
        BETA            September 1                                             
        Branch          September 6                                             
        6.4-RC1         September 8                                             
        7.1-RC1         September 15                                            
        6.4-RC2         September 22                                            
        7.1-RC2         September 29                                            
        6.4-REL         October 6                                               
        7.1-REL         October 13                                              
I haven't posted the schedule on the Web site yet, I'll try to get that         
done over the weekend.                                                          
On Monday I'll switch RELENG_7 and RELENG_6 over to say they are                
7.1-PRERELEASE and 6.4-PRERELEASE respectively as a heads-up that there         
will likely be higher-than-normal developer activity MFC-ing stuff              
before code freeze starts.  Odds get higher that if you do updates using        
RELENG_7/RELENG_6 branches during this period you *might* wind up with a        
tree that isn't quite right because you happened to catch it part way           
through a developer doing a multi-step commit.                                  
We had been procrastinating on saying definitively whether we thought           
6.4-REL would be the last of the RELENG_6 releases to see how well              
things went with 7.X (if 7.0-REL was a total disaster we'd have                 
considered doing a 6.5-REL).  It seems that 7.0-REL went well and               
RELENG_7 in general seems to be in good shape so we now expect 6.4-REL          
to be the last of the RELENG_6 releases.                     
                                                Ken Smith                       
- From there to here, from here to      |        
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |                                       
                      - Theodore Geisel |                                       
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Der neue TTY-Layer ist für 8-Current und nicht für 7-Stable, oder?

Ich bin mal gespannt, wie sich der Wechsel auf Sched_ule auf die Massen an UP-Systemen auswirkt...
Wenn die APIs unverändert bleiben, sollte ein MFC drin sein.

UPDATING sagt nichts über Änderungen an den APIs, aber es sind auch nicht alle Treiber angepasst.

The TTY subsystem of the kernel has been replaced by a new
implementation, which provides better scalability and an
improved driver model. Most common drivers have been migrated to
the new TTY subsystem, while others have not. The following
drivers have not yet been ported to the new TTY layer:

cy, digi, rc, rp, si, sio

ubser, ucycom, ufoma

Line disciplines:
ng_h4, ng_tty, ppp, sl, snp

Adding these drivers to your kernel configuration file shall
cause compilation to fail.
Der TTY-Layer kann nicht auf RELENG_7 portiert werden, weil er die Kernel-ABI so stark modifiziert, dass im Moment auch in -CURRENT noch eine ganze Reihe Treiber gebrochen sind. Also kurze Antwort: Nein. Den Treiber für den Geode-Cryptoblock werden wir aber entgegen meiner Prognose sehen, ZFS ist nicht ganz klar, aber da bleibe ich weiterhin bei meinem "Nein". Pawell hat es nichtmal in -CURRENT...
Nun ist gerade DTrace in RELENG_7 eingegangen, FreeBSD 7.1 wird also mit DTrace für den Kernel kommen.