Stromsparen mit AMD Bulldozer


Well-Known Member

wie überzeuge ich denn meinen AMD FX davon, dass er nicht immer mit voller Leistung läuft? Der Powerd meldet immer:
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
Sollte ich den Pwerd dann überhaupt noch verwenden? Reicht ein wechsel in den C2-State? Benutze ich C1E oder lieber nicht?
Kurzum: Ich bräuchte mal etwas Hilfe zu dem Thema.:confused:

Also, das sind zwei Fragen auf einmal:

1. Deine Fehlermeldung sagt dir, dass powerd(8) - oder besser gesagt die Kernelseite hwpstate(4) - derzeit noch keinen Bulldozer unterstützt. Das ist, sagt der AMD-Fanboy, auch nicht zuletzt AMDs Schuld, da die Herren mit jeder Generation ihre verdammte Schnittstelle ändern müssen... Aber wie dem auch sei, es gibt gerade auf freebsd-stable@ einen Thread zu dem Thema:

2. AMD-Prozessoren haben zwei Arten von Powermanagement: Das klassische Intel-Powermanagement mit C0 bis C6 und C1E. Viele Boards schalten nur C1E frei, andere Boards fallen auf Intel zurück, wenn C1E deaktiviert wurde und wieder andere machen unverständliche Sachen. Der Unterschied zwischen den beiden Modi ist einfach, dass im Intel-Fall das Betriebssystem dafür verantwortlich ist, C0 bis C6 zu setzen. Die CPU setzt es nur dumm um. Bei C1E setzt das Betriebssystem nur C1 (deshalb sollte es die tieferen Powerstates auch gar nicht sehen) und die CPU entscheidet selbstständig, ob sie in einen tieferen Schlafzustand wechselt. Wenn beide Wege funktionieren, nehmen sie sich nichts. Wobei C1E den Vorteil hat, dass FreeBSD selbst keinerleich Konfiguration benötigt. Versagt der Intel-Weg, ist C1E logischerweise die Wahl.
Erst einmal Danke für die schnelle Antwort. :)
1. Deine Fehlermeldung sagt dir, dass powerd(8) - oder besser gesagt die Kernelseite hwpstate(4) - derzeit noch keinen Bulldozer unterstützt. Das ist, sagt der AMD-Fanboy, auch nicht zuletzt AMDs Schuld, da die Herren mit jeder Generation ihre verdammte Schnittstelle ändern müssen... Aber wie dem auch sei, es gibt gerade auf freebsd-stable@ einen Thread zu dem Thema:
Wenn man dem angehängten Patch glauben schenkt, dann handelt es sich ja um eine Kleinigkeit. Werden denn auch alle Cores einzeln getaktet? Und versteht FreeBSD AMDs TurboCore?

2. AMD-Prozessoren haben zwei Arten von Powermanagement: Das klassische Intel-Powermanagement mit C0 bis C6 und C1E. Viele Boards schalten nur C1E frei, andere Boards fallen auf Intel zurück, wenn C1E deaktiviert wurde und wieder andere machen unverständliche Sachen. Der Unterschied zwischen den beiden Modi ist einfach, dass im Intel-Fall das Betriebssystem dafür verantwortlich ist, C0 bis C6 zu setzen. Die CPU setzt es nur dumm um. Bei C1E setzt das Betriebssystem nur C1 (deshalb sollte es die tieferen Powerstates auch gar nicht sehen) und die CPU entscheidet selbstständig, ob sie in einen tieferen Schlafzustand wechselt. Wenn beide Wege funktionieren, nehmen sie sich nichts. Wobei C1E den Vorteil hat, dass FreeBSD selbst keinerleich Konfiguration benötigt. Versagt der Intel-Weg, ist C1E logischerweise die Wahl.
Ich habe nun leider das Phänomen, dass ich C1E im Bios enabled habe und trotzdem FreeBSD einen C2-State sieht. Nachdem ich diesen gesetzt habe, scheinen die CPUs nun sich auch primär darin aufzuhalten. Was mache ich denn nun geschickter Weise? Schalte ich manuell auf C2 und C1E ab, oder lasse ich C1E eingeschaltet und lasse FreeBSD im C1 oder schalte ich C1E ein und setze FreeBSD auf C2? :confused:
jmt schrieb:
Wenn man dem angehängten Patch glauben schenkt, dann handelt es sich ja um eine Kleinigkeit. Werden denn auch alle Cores einzeln getaktet? Und versteht FreeBSD AMDs TurboCore?
Sofern der Patch das Problem denn behebt, ich wüsste ehrlich gesagt nicht, wieso er es tun sollte. Er macht dem Kernel lediglich den Bulldozer bekannt, was nicht einmal zwingend notwendig ist. Aber vielleicht braucht hwpstate(4) das, um irgendwelche Magie anzuwenden. Ansonsten werden Kerne (auf K10 und K12) einzeln getaktet, man sieht es allerdings nicht in den entsprechenden Sysctl. Sie zeigen immer die Taktung des Prozessors "0" an. Eine teure und für den Privatnutzer überflüssige Managementkarte gibt allerdings genauere Werte. TurboCore ist - genauso wie Intels TurboBoost - ein reines ACPI-Feature. Der Turbo taucht als eine weitere Frequenz auf, 1 MHz über der Maximalfrequenz. Also:
3400MHz -> CPU läuft 3400MHz ohne Turbo
3401 MHz -> CPU läuft auf 3400MHz und wirft wenn sinnvoll den Turbo an
Das Sysctl "dev.cpu.0.freq_levels" listet die verfügbaren Frequenzen und "dev.cpu.0.freq" setzt sie. Es kann allerdings sein, dass Bulldozer die Frequenzen nur dann rausrückt, wenn hwpstate(4) funktioniert...

jmt schrieb:
Ich habe nun leider das Phänomen, dass ich C1E im Bios enabled habe und trotzdem FreeBSD einen C2-State sieht. Nachdem ich diesen gesetzt habe, scheinen die CPUs nun sich auch primär darin aufzuhalten. Was mache ich denn nun geschickter Weise? Schalte ich manuell auf C2 und C1E ab, oder lasse ich C1E eingeschaltet und lasse FreeBSD im C1 oder schalte ich C1E ein und setze FreeBSD auf C2?
Interessant... Was nun optimal ist, wird dir leider nur ein Energiesparmessgerät oder eine der sehr teuren AMD-Managementkarten sagen können, da wir leider nicht in die CPU reinschauen können. Im Zweifel würde ich allerdings C1E einschalten und C2 setzen. Das klingt rein vom Gefühl her am richtigsten.

Ach ja: powerd bringt auf modernen Prozessoren wie Bulldozer keine Wunder mehr. Die ernsten 98% ihrer Energieeinsparung durch Powergating, d.h. das Abschalten inaktiver Bereiche. Das funktioniert ohne jedes Zutun, C1E oder Intel-Powerstates unterstützen es aber. Ohne powerd braucht du vielleicht 2 oder 3 Watt mehr, was kein Beinbruch ist. Auch wenn es schön zu haben wäre. :)
Erst einmal ein großes DANKE für die ausführliche Antwort. :):):)

Ach ja: powerd bringt auf modernen Prozessoren wie Bulldozer keine Wunder mehr. Die ernsten 98% ihrer Energieeinsparung durch Powergating, d.h. das Abschalten inaktiver Bereiche. Das funktioniert ohne jedes Zutun, C1E oder Intel-Powerstates unterstützen es aber. Ohne powerd braucht du vielleicht 2 oder 3 Watt mehr, was kein Beinbruch ist. Auch wenn es schön zu haben wäre. :)
Heißt das dann, dass man keine Frequenzen mehr wechseln muss? Will sagen, ich schalte C2 und C1E ein und lasse die CPUs einfach auf 3400MHz laufen? Und machen die auch Turbo Core von alleine oder brauche ich dazu wieder den powerd?
Okay, mal stark vereinfacht erklärt (E-Techniker: Bitte nicht schlagen!): Früher, bis ca. 2003, funktionierten Prozessoren ganz einfach so, dass sie eine Taktfrequenz hatten und bei jedem Takt alle Transistoren schalteten. Dabei brauchte jeder Schaltvorgang Strom, entsprechend verbrauchten diese Prozessoren im Leerlauf kaum weniger Strom als unter Last. Mit steigenden Frequenzen wurde das aber zunehmend inakzeptabel, gerade der Pentium 4 stieß da in sehr unschöne Regionen vor. Daher führt AMD mit dem Athlon64 die Frequenzenskalierung aka "Cool and Quiet" ein, Intel zog später nach. Wenn weniger Rechenleistung benötigt wird, wird der Takt gesenkt. Daher schalten die Transistoren weniger und brauchen daher auch weniger Strom. Außerdem kann man die Spannung senken, was noch mal Einsparungen mit sich bringt. Relativ einfach und sehr wirksam, mein Athlon64 3200+ benötigt so z.B. ca. 45W weniger. Aber gerade für Mobilprozessoren war dies noch nicht genug Einsparung. Mit dem Core2 führte Intel daher "Powergating" ein. Dabei wird der Chip mit Millionen "Power Gates" durchzogen, die man sich wie Schalter vorstellen kann. Diese Schalter schalten alle Transistoren aus, die nicht benötigt werden. Im Leerlauf sind das fast alle. Ein aktueller Core i7 braucht so im Leerlauf weniger als 2W. Aber auch unter Last bringt Powergating deutliche Einsparungen, denn selbst unter Volllast arbeiten nur sehr wenige Teile der CPU parallel. AMD implementiert Powergating seit K12 aka Llano aka Fusion.

Da dank Powergating im Leerlauf kaum Transistoren aktiv sind, bringt das Senken ihres Takts und ihrer Spannung kaum mehr Einsparungen. Wenn powerd geht, ist es schön, denn 2 oder 3W sind da noch drin. Aber wenn es nicht geht, ist es kein Beinbruch mehr. Mache also C2 und C1E und sei vorerst glücklich. :)

Turbo (in Intels und AMDs Variante) ist eine rein interne Angelegenheit der CPU. Du setzt diese spezielle Frequenz 3401MHz (siehe oben) und alles weitere funktioniert automagisch. Das ist leider ein wenig doof, da man keine Möglichkeit hat zu sehen, ob er nun wirklich den Turbo zündet. Man kann es höchstens mit Benchmarks rausmessen. Auf meinem Core i7 2600k funktioniert er aber wohl, soweit man es halt sagen kann, einwandfrei.

EDIT: Das bezieht sich alles auf FreeBSD 9.0, unter 8.x ist der Turbo so eine Sache.
Da ich neugierig bin, habe ich meine Rechner vermessen. Die Ergebnisse sind sehr ernüchternd:
  • FreeBSD mit C1E / C2: 135W
  • OpenBSD mit apmd: 75W
  • Linux 3.3.6: 68W
Bei OpenBSD handelt es sich um einen der letzten Snapshots. Die 5.1 bootet nicht. Linux ist noch nicht mit powertop optimiert, aber mit voller CPU-Unterstützung.
  • FreeBSD C1E / C2 / powerd: 70W
Trotz obiger Fehlermeldung scheint der powerd ja ganz gut zu funktionieren. :cool:
Er funktioniert, leider nicht immer, daher der Fehler. Wenn ich versuche die Frequenz mittels sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq=xy zu setzen funktioniert es, dann funktioniert es wieder nicht, grob geschätzt scheitert jeder 3. Versuch. Das Ganze ist unabhängig von der Frequenz und scheinbar völlig willkürlich. Irgend etwas scheint das Setzen der Frequenz zu verhindern. Siehe auch:
Hmmm... Irgendwie ist es unlogisch. Aber gut, Computer sind nun einmal nicht logisch... Es könnte natürlich sein, dass AMD das Pwergating beim Bulldozer irgendwie an die Frequenzskalierung gebunden hat. Aber das blind geraten. Ich hatte bisher leider nur Opterons in der Hand, die sich offensichtlich anders verhalten. Bzw. deren BIOS sich anders verhielt. Mal schauen, vielleicht kaufe ich eine "Trinity"-APU, wenn sie für den Desktop erhältlich werden.

Davon einmal abgesehen: Habt ihr einmal probiert powerd(8) mit "-v" auf einem Terminal auszuführen? Also als root "powerd -v" einzutippen? Das führt zwar zu extrem viel Ausgabe, aber vielleicht kann man ein Muster erkennen, wann er versagt.
Ich erhalte hier folgendes:
[root@mcp] ~ #powerd -v
powerd: unable to determine AC line status
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3003 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2909 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2729 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2800: Device not configured
load  22%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2643 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2560 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2480 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2402 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2326 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2253 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 2300 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2300: Device not configured
load  17%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2182 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 2300 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 2113 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 2046 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1982 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1920 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1860 MHz
changing clock speed from 2300 MHz to 1900 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 1900: Device not configured
load  21%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1801 MHz
changing clock speed from 2300 MHz to 1900 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1744 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1689 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1584 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1534 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1486 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1439 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1400 MHz
changing clock speed from 1900 MHz to 1400 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 1400: Device not configured
load  22%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1400 MHz
changing clock speed from 1900 MHz to 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
Okay, das hilft schon einmal. Er bekommt also ab und an ENXIO (wird zu "Device not configured" übersetzt) zurückgegeben und manchmal nicht. Der Fehlercode wird von hwpstate(4) gar nicht so oft geworfen. Nun müssen wir nur noch herausfinden, an welcher Stelle der Fehler nun genau auftritt (blind geraten: hwpstate.c Zeile 178ff) und dann mit Hilfe von AMDs Doku schauen, was man dagegen machen kann. Da ich wie gesagt leider keine entsprechende CPU habe, muss ich aber noch mal weiter um Hilfe bitten:

Kannst du bitte in der /boot/loader.conf diese Optionen setzen
und rebooten? Danach nutzt du das System für einige Minuten ganz normal (mit laufendem powerd, damit er auch schon Frequenzen wechselt) und gibst mir dann die Ausgabe von "dmesg". Dort müssten am Ende jede Menge Ausgaben von hwpstate sein, aus denen man idealerweise herauslesen kann, was schief geht.
Ok, ist in Arbeit.
hatte ich eh schon gesetzt.
Hier ein AUsschnitt aus der dmesg:
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
Der Powerd konnte die Frequenz bisher nicht wechseln.
Danke dir :)

Es scheint tatsächlich so zu sein, wie ich vermutet hatte. In hwpstate.c hwpstate_goto_pstate() setzt er den neuen P-State. Das läuft vereinfacht für jeden Kern in drei Schritten ab:
1. Setze neuen P-State
2. Warte 100*100 Mikrosekunden und lese den aktuellen P-State aus.
3. Wenn "Gesetzer P-State != Aktueller P-State", gebe ENXIO.

Auf älteren Prozessoren (K10, K11 und K12) sind die 100*100 Mikrosekunden immer ausreichend. Bei K14 (Bobcat), K15 (Bulldozer) und wahrscheinlich auch K16 (Piledriver) steht in der CPU-Doku allerdings, dass auf diese 100*100 Mikrosekunden noch einige Dinge aufaddiert werden müssen. Oder anders gesagt sind die 100*100 Mikrosekunden ab und aus aus Glück ausreichend den Powerstate zu wechseln, oft aber nicht. Das führt dann dazu, dass hwpstate abbricht und einen Fehler zurückgibt, die CPU den Powerstate aber dennoch wechselt. Beim nächsten Versuch klappt es daher. Man sieht es in der Log gut:

# Wir setzen in P0, was klappt
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7

# Die CPU ist in P0 und soll in P1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.

# An dieser Stelle ist P0 gesetzt, obwohl P1 angefragt wurde.
# Grund ist, dass die CPU zu lange benötigt um P1 zu setzen.
# Er bricht mit einem Fehler ab, powerd macht daraus das
# verwirrende "powerd: error setting CPU frequency XXXX:
# Device not configured"

# Neuer Versuch P1 zu setzen, Da die
# CPU  dort inzwischen angekommen
# ist, denkt die Logik, sie hätte gerade
# P1 gesetzt. In wirklichkeit ist aber
# nichts passiert, wir sind von P1 auf
# P1 gewechselt.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1

Die Lösung ist nun, die Wartezeit zwischen Setzen und Prüfen einfach deutlich zu verlängern. Ich probiere es einmal mit 100*250 Mikrosekunden. Das ist wahrscheinlich übertrieben, aber viel hilft halt viel. Außerdem fügt der Patch noch die Option ein, die verfügbaren P-States auch auf aktuellen Prozessoren ohne ACPI auszulesen. Das sollte in der Praxis aber keine Rolle spielen, da diese neuen Systeme ohne ACPI eh nicht mehr funktionieren.

Nun musst du nur noch den Patch einspielen. Ich habe ihn auf meinem Phenom II 940 getestet, dort funktioniert er einwandfrei. Ich kann dir natürlich nicht versprechen, dass er keine böse Nebenwirkungen hat, ich wüsste aber nicht wie. Nachteile für die Hardware kann er definitiv nicht haben!

# Patch runterladen
% fetch

# Patch einspielen (auf 9.0 und neuer)
% cd /usr/src/sys/x86/cpufreq
% patch < ~/14h_15h_hwpstate.diff

# Kernel neubauen
% cd /usr/src
% make -jN buildkernel
% make installkernel

Danach natürlich ein Reboot und bitte powerd noch einmal mit "-v" in einem Terminal starten. Dann einige Minuten ganz normal arbeiten und mir die Logs von powerd und das Ende der dmesg schicken. Idealerweise tauchen keine Fehler mehr drin auf und powerd arbeitet einwandfrei. :)
Anbei die gewünschten Daten. Es scheint noch nicht ganz gereicht zu haben.

powerd: unable to determine AC line status
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3003 MHz
load   3%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2909 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2729 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2800: Device not configured
load  42%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3056 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2960 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2867 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2777 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2690 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2605 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2523 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2444 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2293 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 2300 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2300: Device not configured
load  42%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2568 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2487 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2409 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2333 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 2260 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 2300 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 2189 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 2120 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 2053 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1988 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1925 MHz
load   0%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1864 MHz
changing clock speed from 2300 MHz to 1900 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 1900: Device not configured
load  38%, current freq 2300 MHz ( 2), wanted freq 1888 MHz
changing clock speed from 2300 MHz to 1900 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1829 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1771 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1715 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1661 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1609 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1558 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1509 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1461 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1415 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1400 MHz
changing clock speed from 1900 MHz to 1400 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 1400: Device not configured
load  36%, current freq 1900 MHz ( 3), wanted freq 1400 MHz
changing clock speed from 1900 MHz to 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
load   0%, current freq 1400 MHz ( 4), wanted freq 1400 MHz
^Ctotal joules used: 106.778

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Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
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FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #2: Thu May 24 19:12:14 CEST 2012 amd64
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor            (3099.85-MHz K8-class CPU)
  Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x600f12  Family = 15  Model = 1  Stepping = 2
  AMD Features=0x2e500800<SYSCALL,NX,MMX+,FFXSR,Page1GB,RDTSCP,LM>
  AMD Features2=0x1c9bfff<LAHF,CMP,SVM,ExtAPIC,CR8,ABM,SSE4A,MAS,Prefetch,OSVW,IBS,XOP,SKINIT,WDT,LWP,FMA4,NodeId,Topology,<b23>,<b24>>
  TSC: P-state invariant, performance statistics
real memory  = 8589934592 (8192 MB)
avail memory = 8210075648 (7829 MB)
Event timer "LAPIC" quality 400
ACPI APIC Table: <031612 APIC2114>
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 8 CPUs
FreeBSD/SMP: 1 package(s) x 8 core(s)
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID: 16
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID: 17
 cpu2 (AP): APIC ID: 18
 cpu3 (AP): APIC ID: 19
 cpu4 (AP): APIC ID: 20
 cpu5 (AP): APIC ID: 21
 cpu6 (AP): APIC ID: 22
 cpu7 (AP): APIC ID: 23
ioapic0: Changing APIC ID to 24
ioapic0 <Version 2.1> irqs 0-23 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
cryptosoft0: <software crypto> on motherboard
aesni0: <AES-CBC,AES-XTS> on motherboard
acpi0: <031612 XSDT2114> on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: reservation of fee00000, 1000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of ffb80000, 80000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fec10000, 20 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fed40000, 5000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fed80000, 1000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 0, a0000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 100000, dff00000 (3) failed
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu2: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu3: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu4: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu5: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu6: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu7: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
attimer0: <AT timer> port 0x40-0x43 irq 0 on acpi0
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Event timer "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
atrtc0: <AT realtime clock> port 0x70-0x71 irq 8 on acpi0
Event timer "RTC" frequency 32768 Hz quality 0
hpet0: <High Precision Event Timer> iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0
Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 950
Event timer "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET1" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET2" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
acpi_ec0: <Embedded Controller: GPE 0xa> port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
vgapci0: <VGA-compatible display> port 0xd000-0xd0ff mem 0xfa000000-0xfbffffff,0xfeaf0000-0xfeafffff,0xfe900000-0xfe9fffff irq 18 at device 5.0 on pci1
pcib2: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> irq 19 at device 7.0 on pci0
pci2: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib2
xhci0: <XHCI (generic) USB 3.0 controller> mem 0xfebf0000-0xfebf7fff irq 19 at device 0.0 on pci2
xhci0: 32 byte context size.
usbus0 on xhci0
pcib3: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> irq 18 at device 10.0 on pci0
pci3: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib3
re0: <RealTek 8168/8111 B/C/CP/D/DP/E/F PCIe Gigabit Ethernet> port 0xe800-0xe8ff mem 0xfdfff000-0xfdffffff,0xfdff8000-0xfdffbfff irq 18 at device 0.0 on pci3
re0: Using 1 MSI-X message
re0: Chip rev. 0x2c800000
re0: MAC rev. 0x00000000
miibus0: <MII bus> on re0
rgephy0: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 1 on miibus0
rgephy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 10baseT-FDX-flow, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 100baseTX-FDX-flow, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, 1000baseT-FDX-flow, 1000baseT-FDX-flow-master, auto, auto-flow
re0: Ethernet address: 14:da:e9:71:d2:7f
ahci0: <ATI IXP700 AHCI SATA controller> port 0xc000-0xc007,0xb000-0xb003,0xa000-0xa007,0x9000-0x9003,0x8000-0x800f mem 0xfe8ffc00-0xfe8fffff irq 19 at device 17.0 on pci0
ahci0: AHCI v1.20 with 6 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier supported
ahcich0: <AHCI channel> at channel 0 on ahci0
ahcich1: <AHCI channel> at channel 1 on ahci0
ahcich2: <AHCI channel> at channel 2 on ahci0
ahcich3: <AHCI channel> at channel 3 on ahci0
ahcich4: <AHCI channel> at channel 4 on ahci0
ahcich5: <AHCI channel> at channel 5 on ahci0
ohci0: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fe000-0xfe8fefff irq 18 at device 18.0 on pci0
usbus1 on ohci0
ehci0: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff800-0xfe8ff8ff irq 17 at device 18.2 on pci0
usbus2: EHCI version 1.0
usbus2 on ehci0
ohci1: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fd000-0xfe8fdfff irq 18 at device 19.0 on pci0
usbus3 on ohci1
ehci1: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff400-0xfe8ff4ff irq 17 at device 19.2 on pci0
usbus4: EHCI version 1.0
usbus4 on ehci1
pci0: <serial bus, SMBus> at device 20.0 (no driver attached)
hdac0: <ATI SB600 HDA Controller> mem 0xfe8f4000-0xfe8f7fff irq 16 at device 20.2 on pci0
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 20.3 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
pcib4: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 20.4 on pci0
pci4: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib4
ohci2: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fc000-0xfe8fcfff irq 18 at device 20.5 on pci0
usbus5 on ohci2
ohci3: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8f3000-0xfe8f3fff irq 18 at device 22.0 on pci0
usbus6 on ohci3
ehci2: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff000-0xfe8ff0ff irq 17 at device 22.2 on pci0
usbus7: EHCI version 1.0
usbus7 on ehci2
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x60,0x64 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
orm0: <ISA Option ROM> at iomem 0xc0000-0xcefff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
ppc0: cannot reserve I/O port range
ctl: CAM Target Layer loaded
hwpstate0: <Cool`n'Quiet 2.0> on cpu0
ZFS filesystem version 5
ZFS storage pool version 28
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
hdacc0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC> at cad 0 on hdac0
hdaa0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC Audio Function Group> at nid 1 on hdacc0
pcm0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Rear Analog 7.1/2.0)> at nid 20,22,21,23 and 24,26 on hdaa0
pcm1: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Front Analog)> at nid 27 and 25 on hdaa0
pcm2: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Rear Digital)> at nid 30 on hdaa0
pcm3: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Onboard Digital)> at nid 17 on hdaa0
usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus2: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus4: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus5: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus6: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus7: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
ugen0.1: <0x1b21> at usbus0
uhub0: <0x1b21 XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
ugen1.1: <ATI> at usbus1
uhub1: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1
ugen2.1: <ATI> at usbus2
uhub2: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus2
ugen3.1: <ATI> at usbus3
uhub3: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3
ugen4.1: <ATI> at usbus4
uhub4: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus4
ugen5.1: <ATI> at usbus5
uhub5: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus5
ugen6.1: <ATI> at usbus6
uhub6: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus6
ugen7.1: <ATI> at usbus7
uhub7: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus7
uhub5: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub6: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub1: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub3: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub7: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub2: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub4: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
ugen1.2: <Logitech> at usbus1
ums0: <Logitech USB Mouse, class 0/0, rev 1.10/6.20, addr 2> on usbus1
ums0: 3 buttons and [XYZ] coordinates ID=0
ada0 at ahcich0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
ada0: <Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 JP4OA3EA> ATA-8 SATA 2.x device
ada0: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada0: Command Queueing enabled
ada0: 953869MB (1953525168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada0: Previously was known as ad4
ada1 at ahcich1 bus 0 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
ada1: <SAMSUNG HD203WI 1AN10003> ATA-8 SATA 2.x device
ada1: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada1: Command Queueing enabled
ada1: 1907729MB (3907029168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada1: Previously was known as ad6
ada2 at ahcich2 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 0
ada2: <SAMSUNG HD154UI 1AG01118> ATA-7 SATA 2.x device
ada2: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada2: Command Queueing enabled
ada2: 1430799MB (2930277168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada2: Previously was known as ad8
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #4 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #7 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #6 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #5 Launched!
Timecounter "TSC-low" frequency 12108791 Hz quality 1000
Trying to mount root from zfs:sys/ROOT/amd-patch []...
re0: link state changed to UP
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
Immerhin haben wir einen Fehler eliminiert. :) Ich schaue am Wochenende weiter...
Ich teste gerade mal, ob man mit 500 statt 250 weiter kommt. :)

Mist :grumble: Habe eine Debug vergessen!!!
Hole ich gleich nach.
Okay, noch ein kurzer Nachschlag: Die Fehlermeldung kommt nicht mehr aus hwpstate, stattdessen aus cpufreq selbst. Das bedeutet, dass ich noch einmal um eine dmesg betteln muss. Dieses Mal zusätzlich noch
in der /boot/loader.conf, danach wieder einige Zeit normal Arbeiten und dann hier rein... Wird wahrscheinlich noch mal eine große Menge Debug-Nachrichten bringen.
Nun haben wir uns überschnitten. Auch 500 oder sogar 1000 wird sehr wahrscheinlich nichts bringen... Da liegt irgendwo noch ein anderer Fehler. Ich vermute, dass es irgendwo in den Funktionen liegt, wo nach der Frequenzänderung kernelinterne Timer angepasst werden.

EDIT: Oder auch nicht, könnte auch ein durchschlagender Fehler aus hwstate sein. Aber schauen wir mal die nächste Log an.
So, folgende Infos mit Originalpatch:

powerd: unable to determine AC line status
load  77%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load  81%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 6200 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 3100 MHz
load  88%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   7%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2800: Device not configured
load  79%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load  77%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 6200 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 3100 MHz
load  74%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   8%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2800: Device not configured
load  86%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   3%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
^Ctotal joules used: 467.290

Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE #2: Thu May 24 19:12:14 CEST 2012 amd64
CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8120 Eight-Core Processor            (3099.85-MHz K8-class CPU)
  Origin = "AuthenticAMD"  Id = 0x600f12  Family = 15  Model = 1  Stepping = 2
  AMD Features=0x2e500800<SYSCALL,NX,MMX+,FFXSR,Page1GB,RDTSCP,LM>
  AMD Features2=0x1c9bfff<LAHF,CMP,SVM,ExtAPIC,CR8,ABM,SSE4A,MAS,Prefetch,OSVW,IBS,XOP,SKINIT,WDT,LWP,FMA4,NodeId,Topology,<b23>,<b24>>
  TSC: P-state invariant, performance statistics
real memory  = 8589934592 (8192 MB)
avail memory = 8210075648 (7829 MB)
Event timer "LAPIC" quality 400
ACPI APIC Table: <031612 APIC2114>
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 8 CPUs
FreeBSD/SMP: 1 package(s) x 8 core(s)
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID: 16
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID: 17
 cpu2 (AP): APIC ID: 18
 cpu3 (AP): APIC ID: 19
 cpu4 (AP): APIC ID: 20
 cpu5 (AP): APIC ID: 21
 cpu6 (AP): APIC ID: 22
 cpu7 (AP): APIC ID: 23
ioapic0: Changing APIC ID to 24
ioapic0 <Version 2.1> irqs 0-23 on motherboard
kbd1 at kbdmux0
cryptosoft0: <software crypto> on motherboard
aesni0: <AES-CBC,AES-XTS> on motherboard
acpi0: <031612 XSDT2114> on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: reservation of fee00000, 1000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of ffb80000, 80000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fec10000, 20 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fed40000, 5000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of fed80000, 1000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 0, a0000 (3) failed
acpi0: reservation of 100000, dff00000 (3) failed
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu2: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu3: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu4: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu5: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu6: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu7: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
attimer0: <AT timer> port 0x40-0x43 irq 0 on acpi0
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Event timer "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
atrtc0: <AT realtime clock> port 0x70-0x71 irq 8 on acpi0
Event timer "RTC" frequency 32768 Hz quality 0
hpet0: <High Precision Event Timer> iomem 0xfed00000-0xfed003ff on acpi0
Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 950
Event timer "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET1" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Event timer "HPET2" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 450
Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850
acpi_timer0: <32-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x808-0x80b on acpi0
acpi_ec0: <Embedded Controller: GPE 0xa> port 0x62,0x66 on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
vgapci0: <VGA-compatible display> port 0xd000-0xd0ff mem 0xfa000000-0xfbffffff,0xfeaf0000-0xfeafffff,0xfe900000-0xfe9fffff irq 18 at device 5.0 on pci1
pcib2: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> irq 19 at device 7.0 on pci0
pci2: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib2
xhci0: <XHCI (generic) USB 3.0 controller> mem 0xfebf0000-0xfebf7fff irq 19 at device 0.0 on pci2
xhci0: 32 byte context size.
usbus0 on xhci0
pcib3: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> irq 18 at device 10.0 on pci0
pci3: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib3
re0: <RealTek 8168/8111 B/C/CP/D/DP/E/F PCIe Gigabit Ethernet> port 0xe800-0xe8ff mem 0xfdfff000-0xfdffffff,0xfdff8000-0xfdffbfff irq 18 at device 0.0 on pci3
re0: Using 1 MSI-X message
re0: Chip rev. 0x2c800000
re0: MAC rev. 0x00000000
miibus0: <MII bus> on re0
rgephy0: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 1 on miibus0
rgephy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 10baseT-FDX-flow, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 100baseTX-FDX-flow, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-master, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, 1000baseT-FDX-flow, 1000baseT-FDX-flow-master, auto, auto-flow
re0: Ethernet address: 14:da:e9:71:d2:7f
ahci0: <ATI IXP700 AHCI SATA controller> port 0xc000-0xc007,0xb000-0xb003,0xa000-0xa007,0x9000-0x9003,0x8000-0x800f mem 0xfe8ffc00-0xfe8fffff irq 19 at device 17.0 on pci0
ahci0: AHCI v1.20 with 6 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier supported
ahcich0: <AHCI channel> at channel 0 on ahci0
ahcich1: <AHCI channel> at channel 1 on ahci0
ahcich2: <AHCI channel> at channel 2 on ahci0
ahcich3: <AHCI channel> at channel 3 on ahci0
ahcich4: <AHCI channel> at channel 4 on ahci0
ahcich5: <AHCI channel> at channel 5 on ahci0
ohci0: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fe000-0xfe8fefff irq 18 at device 18.0 on pci0
usbus1 on ohci0
ehci0: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff800-0xfe8ff8ff irq 17 at device 18.2 on pci0
usbus2: EHCI version 1.0
usbus2 on ehci0
ohci1: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fd000-0xfe8fdfff irq 18 at device 19.0 on pci0
usbus3 on ohci1
ehci1: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff400-0xfe8ff4ff irq 17 at device 19.2 on pci0
usbus4: EHCI version 1.0
usbus4 on ehci1
pci0: <serial bus, SMBus> at device 20.0 (no driver attached)
hdac0: <ATI SB600 HDA Controller> mem 0xfe8f4000-0xfe8f7fff irq 16 at device 20.2 on pci0
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 20.3 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
pcib4: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 20.4 on pci0
pci4: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib4
ohci2: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8fc000-0xfe8fcfff irq 18 at device 20.5 on pci0
usbus5 on ohci2
ohci3: <OHCI (generic) USB controller> mem 0xfe8f3000-0xfe8f3fff irq 18 at device 22.0 on pci0
usbus6 on ohci3
ehci2: <EHCI (generic) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xfe8ff000-0xfe8ff0ff irq 17 at device 22.2 on pci0
usbus7: EHCI version 1.0
usbus7 on ehci2
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x60,0x64 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
orm0: <ISA Option ROM> at iomem 0xc0000-0xcefff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
ppc0: cannot reserve I/O port range
ctl: CAM Target Layer loaded
hwpstate0: going to fetch info from acpi_perf
hwpstate0: <Cool`n'Quiet 2.0> on cpu0
cpufreq: initializing cpufreq0
cpufreq: initializing one-time data for cpufreq0
ZFS filesystem version 5
ZFS storage pool version 28
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
hdacc0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC> at cad 0 on hdac0
hdaa0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC Audio Function Group> at nid 1 on hdacc0
pcm0: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Rear Analog 7.1/2.0)> at nid 20,22,21,23 and 24,26 on hdaa0
pcm1: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Front Analog)> at nid 27 and 25 on hdaa0
pcm2: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Rear Digital)> at nid 30 on hdaa0
pcm3: <Realtek ALC892 HDA CODEC PCM (Onboard Digital)> at nid 17 on hdaa0
usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus2: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus4: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus5: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus6: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus7: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
ugen0.1: <0x1b21> at usbus0
uhub0: <0x1b21 XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
ugen1.1: <ATI> at usbus1
uhub1: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1
ugen2.1: <ATI> at usbus2
uhub2: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus2
ugen3.1: <ATI> at usbus3
uhub3: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3
ugen4.1: <ATI> at usbus4
uhub4: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus4
ugen5.1: <ATI> at usbus5
uhub5: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus5
ugen6.1: <ATI> at usbus6
uhub6: <ATI OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus6
ugen7.1: <ATI> at usbus7
uhub7: <ATI EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus7
uhub5: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub6: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub1: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub3: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub0: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub7: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
uhub2: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
uhub4: 5 ports with 5 removable, self powered
ugen1.2: <Logitech> at usbus1
ums0: <Logitech USB Mouse, class 0/0, rev 1.10/6.20, addr 2> on usbus1
ums0: 3 buttons and [XYZ] coordinates ID=0
ada0 at ahcich0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
ada0: <Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 JP4OA3EA> ATA-8 SATA 2.x device
ada0: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada0: Command Queueing enabled
ada0: 953869MB (1953525168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada0: Previously was known as ad4
ada1 at ahcich1 bus 0 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
ada1: <SAMSUNG HD203WI 1AN10003> ATA-8 SATA 2.x device
ada1: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada1: Command Queueing enabled
ada1: 1907729MB (3907029168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada1: Previously was known as ad6
ada2 at ahcich2 bus 0 scbus2 target 0 lun 0
ada2: <SAMSUNG HD154UI 1AG01118> ATA-7 SATA 2.x device
ada2: 300.000MB/s transfers (SATA 2.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada2: Command Queueing enabled
ada2: 1430799MB (2930277168 512 byte sectors: 16H 63S/T 16383C)
ada2: Previously was known as ad8
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #6 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #4 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #7 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #2 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #5 Launched!
SMP: AP CPU #3 Launched!
Timecounter "TSC-low" frequency 12108798 Hz quality 1000
Trying to mount root from zfs:sys/ROOT/amd-patch []...
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get matched freq 3100 from drivers
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
re0: link state changed to UP
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: saving level, freq 3100 prio 0
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping freq 3100, same as current level 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping freq 3100, same as current level 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping freq 3100, same as current level 3100
Ja, probiere mal.

EDIT: Die Logs sind nun mit meinem Patch mit 250?
Yepp! habe es gerade mal mit 500 versucht, aber er schaltet nicht mehr die Frequenz.
Hier mal ein anderer Versuch mit 100 Iterationen, aber einem Delay von 250. Leider führt das Logging immer noch dazu, dass der powerd die Frequenzen nicht schalten will. Warum startet er eigentlich bei 6200Mhz, also dem Doppelten der schnellsten Frequenz? Selbst mit Turbo Core schafft die CPU nur 4000MHz.

[root@mcp] ~ # powerd -v
powerd: unable to determine AC line status
load  85%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   4%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load 103%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 6200 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 3100 MHz
load  73%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   4%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
powerd: error setting CPU frequency 2800: Device not configured
load  80%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4654 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4508 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4367 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4230 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4097 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3968 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3844 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3723 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3606 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3493 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3383 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3277 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3174 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 3074 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2977 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2883 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 2792 MHz
changing clock speed from 3100 MHz to 2800 MHz
load 158%, current freq 2800 MHz ( 1), wanted freq 6200 MHz
changing clock speed from 2800 MHz to 3100 MHz
load  78%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6200 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 6006 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5818 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5636 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5459 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5288 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 5122 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4961 MHz
load   0%, current freq 3100 MHz ( 0), wanted freq 4805 MHz
^Ctotal joules used: 340.504
[root@mcp] ~ #

hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: saving level, freq 3100 prio 0
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping freq 3100, same as current level 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: error: loop is not enough.
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: set freq failed, err 6
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 2800 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P1-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P1-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: get returning known freq 2800
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: setting abs freq 3100 on hwpstate0 (cpu 0)
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu0
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu1
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu2
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu3
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu4
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu5
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu6
hwpstate0: setting P0-state on cpu7
hwpstate0: result  P0-state on cpu7
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: get returning known freq 3100
cpufreq: skipping info-only driver acpi_perf0
cpufreq: adding abs setting 3100 at head
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2800 after 3100
cpufreq: adding abs setting 2300 after 2800
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1900 after 2300
cpufreq: adding abs setting 1400 after 1900
cpufreq: skipping freq 3100, same as current level 3100