ZFS ist im FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE-Tree


Naiver Mutmaßlicher
Hier die komplette Nachricht von Pawel aus der CURRENT-Mailliste:


I'm happy to inform that the ZFS file system is now part of the FreeBSD
operating system. ZFS is available in the HEAD branch and will be
available in FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE as an experimental feature.

Commit log:

Please welcome ZFS - The last word in file systems.

ZFS file system was ported from OpenSolaris operating system. The code
in under CDDL license.

I'd like to thank all SUN developers that created this great piece of

Supported by: Wheel LTD (http://www.wheel.pl/)
Supported by: The FreeBSD Foundation (http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/)
Supported by: Sentex (http://www.sentex.net/)


Currently ZFS is only compiled as kernel module and is only available
for i386 architecture. Amd64 should be available very soon, the other
archs will come later, as we implement needed atomic operations.

Missing functionality.

- We don't have iSCSI target daemon in the tree, so sharing ZVOLs via
iSCSI is also not supported at this point. This should be fixed in
the future, we may also add support for sharing ZVOLs over ggate.
- There is no support for ACLs and extended attributes.
- There is no support for booting off of ZFS file system.

Other than that, ZFS should be fully-functional.


-- Pawel Jakub Dawidek http://www.wheel.pl pjd@FreeBSD.org http://www.FreeBSD.org FreeBSD committer Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!

Gruss, Elwood
Damit enthält 7.0 neben diversen kleineren Änderungen - in denen trotzdem sehr viel Arbeit steckt - auch etwas Repräsentatives, was der Welt zeigt, warum 7.0 das neueste und beste ist :)
Hoi, schön das es das nun in 7.0 gibt - bleibt abzuwarten wann es für amd64 bereit steht - aber der Schritt geht in die richtige Richtung :)

Gruß Bummibaer
des 2007-04-07 19:12:10 UTC
Build ZFS on amd64 and pc98.

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