FreeBSD 14.0 erschienen

Mit slim als DM läuft alles wieder (aber nur mit ALT-CTRL-F1...F8).
Kann erstmal so bleiben (slim hat ja sogar FreeBSD-Themes), aber ich wüsste schon gern, was der xdm da anstellt. Hat er bis 13.2 noch nie gemacht.
Das ZFS-Problem ist heute Nacht in 12.4, 13.2 und 14.0 gepatcht worden:

Hash: SHA512

FreeBSD-EN-23:16.openzfs                                        Errata Notice
                                                          The FreeBSD Project

Topic:          OpenZFS data corruption

Category:       contrib
Module:         OpenZFS
Announced:      2023-12-01
Affects:        All supported versions of FreeBSD.
Corrected:      2023-11-28 21:00:48 UTC (stable/14, 14.0-STABLE)
                2023-12-01 00:38:38 UTC (releng/14.0, 14.0-RELEASE-p1)
                2023-11-28 21:07:30 UTC (stable/13, 13.2-STABLE)
                2023-12-01 00:38:47 UTC (releng/13.2, 13.2-RELEASE-p6)
                2023-11-30 05:28:33 UTC (stable/12, 12.4-STABLE)
                2023-12-01 00:40:23 UTC (releng/12.4, 12.4-RELEASE-p8)

For general information regarding FreeBSD Errata Notices and Security
Advisories, including descriptions of the fields above, security
branches, and the following sections, please visit

I.   Background

FreeBSD has included a version of the powerful and feature-rich ZFS file
system beginning with FreeBSD 7.0 released in 2008.  The ZFS implementation
in FreeBSD 12 and earlier is based on the Illumos ZFS codebase.  In FreeBSD
13 and later OpenZFS is used as the ZFS implementation.

Sparse files in a file system refer to a technique that optimizes storage
space by allowing the creation of files with unallocated or unwritten gaps,
known as holes.  When reading a file, holes appear as zero or NUL bytes.
Certain system calls can access hole location metadata, including lseek(2)
with SEEK_HOLE and copy_file_range(2).

In OpenZFS a dnode is a data structure used to represent and manage metadata
about files and directories.  In file systems, "dirty" refers to data or
metadata that has been modified in memory but not yet written to the storage
device.  Thus, a dirty dnode is one which has uncommitted data or metadata.

In FreeBSD 13.2 and FreeBSD 14.0 cp(1) uses copy_file_range(2) to perform the
data copying in the kernel.  copy_file_range attempts to find file holes in
the source file and preserve them in the copy.  In FreeBSD 12.4 cp does not
use copy_file_range.

II.  Problem Description

A check did not test both the dnode itself and its data for dirtiness.  This
provides a very small window of time while a file is being modified where the
dirtiness check can falsely report that the dnode is clean.  If this happens
a hole may incorrectly be reported where data was written.

III. Impact

If an access occurs while a file is being modified and a hole is incorrectly
reported, the data may instead be interpreted as zero bytes.  Any application
which checks for holes may be affected by this issue; if this occurs during a
file copy it will result in a corrupt copy that retains the incorrect data.
Note that the source file remains intact (a subsequent read will return the
correct data).

IV.  Workaround

Setting the vfs.zfs.dmu_offset_next_sync sysctl to 0 disables forcing
TXG sync to find holes.  This is an effective workaround that greatly
reduces the likelihood of encountering data corruption, although it does
not completely eliminate it.  Note that with the workaround holes will
not be reported in recently dirtied files.  See the zfs(4) man page for
more information of the impact of this sysctl setting.

The workaround should be removed once the system is updated to include the
fix described in this notice.

V.   Solution

Upgrade your system to a supported FreeBSD stable or release / security
branch (releng) dated after the correction date, and reboot.

Perform one of the following:

1) To update your system via a binary patch:

Systems running a RELEASE version of FreeBSD on the amd64 or arm64 platforms,
or the i386 platfrom on FreeBSD 13 and earlier, can be updated via
the freebsd-update(8) utility:

# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install
# shutdown -r +10min "Rebooting to apply OpenZFS erratum update"

2) To update your system via a source code patch:

The following patches have been verified to apply to the applicable
FreeBSD release branches.

a) Download the relevant patch from the location below, and verify the
detached PGP signature using your PGP utility.

NOTE: The FreeBSD 14.0 patch includes additional bug fixes which were found
during the investigation of this issue.  These bug fixes do not apply to
FreeBSD 13.2 or FreeBSD 12.4.

[FreeBSD 14.0]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# gpg --verify openzfs.14.patch.asc

[FreeBSD 13.2]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# gpg --verify openzfs.13.patch.asc

[FreeBSD 12.4]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# fetch [URL][/URL]
# gpg --verify openzfs.12.patch.asc

b) Apply the patch.  Execute the following commands as root:

# cd /usr/src
# patch < /path/to/patch

c) Recompile your kernel as described in
[URL='']<URL:>[/URL] and reboot the

VI.  Correction details

This issue is corrected as of the corresponding Git commit hash or Subversion
revision number in the following stable and release branches:

Branch/path                             Hash                     Revision
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
stable/14/                              99385ec7c296    stable/14-n265836
releng/14.0/                            154870526943  releng/14.0-n265384
stable/13/                              5858f93a8b66    stable/13-n256744
releng/13.2/                            0bb76997ce58  releng/13.2-n254644
stable/12/                                                        r373278
releng/12.4/                                                      r373279
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

For FreeBSD 13 and later:

Run the following command to see which files were modified by a
particular commit:

# git show --stat <commit hash>

Or visit the following URL, replacing NNNNNN with the hash:


To determine the commit count in a working tree (for comparison against
nNNNNNN in the table above), run:

# git rev-list --count --first-parent HEAD

For FreeBSD 12 and earlier:

Run the following command to see which files were modified by a particular
revision, replacing NNNNNN with the revision number:

# svn diff -cNNNNNN --summarize svn://

Or visit the following URL, replacing NNNNNN with the revision number:


VII. References


The latest revision of this advisory is available at

Nicht übertreiben, ja die Auswirkungen sind kritisch, aber offensichtlich so selten, dass es in den letzten 3 Jahren niemand aufgefallen ist.
Ich habe da eine Frage zu folgender Bemerkung aus den Release Notes zu 14.0.
There have been a number of improvements in the boot loaders, and upgrading the boot loader on the boot partition is recommended in most cases, in particular if the system boots via EFI. If the root is on a ZFS file system, updating the boot loader is mandatory if the pool is to be upgraded, and the boot loader update must be done first. Note that ZFS pool upgrades are not recommended for root file systems in most cases, but updating the boot loader can avoid making the system unbootable if the pool is upgraded in the future.
Das habe ich damals beim Upgrade von 13.2 auf 14.0 gelesen und so interpretiert, dass ich lieber kein zpool upgrade für zu bootende Pools machen soll. Gilt diese Empfehlung weiterhin? Oder kann ich, da ich gleichzeitig auch den Bootloader neu geschrieben habe, ein Pool Upgrade machen?
Oder kann ich, da ich gleichzeitig auch den Bootloader neu geschrieben habe, ein Pool Upgrade machen?
Ja, die Reihenfolge ist prinzipiell egal. Du darfst nur noch nicht rebooten, wenn du zpool upgrade gemacht hast und noch nicht den Bootloader neu geschrieben hast. Intelligent ist daher sorum:
  1. Bootloader neu schreiben
  2. zpool upgrade
  3. reboot
dass ich lieber kein zpool upgrade für zu bootende Pools
Das kommt von Leuten, bei denen die Kiste wegen falscher Befehlsreihenfolge nicht mehr bootete und ist daher keine sinnvolle, generelle Empfehlung. Man muss das zpool upgrade allerdings auch nicht machen, wenn man die neuen Features nicht braucht. ;)
Man muss das zpool upgrade allerdings auch nicht machen, wenn man die neuen Features nicht braucht.
die meisten neuen Features habe ich nicht gebraucht, aber, wenn man mehrere Pools hat, sollten die Versionen nicht zu weit auseinander laufen, damit sie einfacher zu handhaben sind. Ich kann natürlich einen Pool auf einer externen Platte über Jahre ohne alle Upgrades halten und doch immer noch in ein aktuelles System importieren. Zumindest war das bisher immer so. Aber meine ersten ZFS-Platten haben schon sehr viel weniger Optionen oder Features und gegenüber heute kann man dann schon mal ins Straucheln kommen.

dass ich lieber kein zpool upgrade für zu bootende Pools machen soll.
wenn du den zpool upgrade gemacht hast, kann dein alter Bootloader unter Umständen den "neuen" Zpool nicht mehr verstehen und deshalb nicht booten. Deshalb erneuert man den "bootcode" halt vor dem nächsten Bootvorgang. In der Regel können neue bootcodes auch die alten Zpools noch booten, so dass man hierbei kaum Gefahr läuft, wenn man zu allererst mal den bootcode erneuert und den zpool upgrade vergessen sollte.

@Kamikaze hat ein Script geschrieben (du kannst näheres dazu sicher hier finden), das den Wechsel des bootcodes automatisiert.

Edit, PS: was ich vergaß - bei jedem Release-Wechsel sollte man den bootcode sowieso neu schreiben, dann das passiert nicht automatisch.