vlc error


Well-Known Member

ich wollte gerade ein Music Clip per VLC anschauen aber da kommen diese Meldungen was stimmt da nicht?

$ vlc
VLC media player 2.0.5 Twoflower (revision 2.0.5-0-g1661b7d)
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_ADDRESS")
Blocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")
[0x20b60d058] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Blocked: call to setlocale(0, "")
[0x2095f5a58] qt4 interface error: Unable to load extensions module
[0x20e42be58] xcb_xv vout display error: no available XVideo adaptor

das Video wird nicht abgespielt

per mplayer geht aber dort kann ich nicht vor und zurückspielen ich habe da keine buttons
man mplayer verrät

MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which
allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard, mouse, joystick or remote
control (with LIRC). See the -input option for ways to customize it.

keyboard control
Seek backward/forward 10 seconds.
Seek forward/backward 1 minute.
Seek forward/backward 10 minutes.

aber vielleicht verstehe ich das Problem nicht.
hi parsley

danke für die Info werde ich probieren aber mein problem ist eigenlich was die Fehlermeldungen bedeuten wenn ich per vlc die mp4 daei abspielen will was fehlt denn da noch?

ich hatte per pkg_add vlc installiert aber es kommt einfach diese Fehlermeldung siehe oben
habe ich vielleicht das falsche vlc installiert?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nein, wahrscheinlich musst du bloß einen anderen Anzeigetreiber einstellen.
ich habe vlc deinstalliert und wieder neu installiert aber diese Fehlermeldung kommt immer wieder was kann man dagegen machen?

da steht man muss qt4 installieren dann ist das problem weg aber wenn ich

pkg_add qt4-4.8.2p4.tgz

wird nichts installiert

$ sudo pkg_info -Q qt4 
qt4-4.8.2p4 (installed)

leider kommen immer noch die Fehler im vlc und die Videos werden nicht abgespielt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

ich habe diese Meldung wenn ich firefox und per vlc mp4,flc,avi mp4v abpsiele

muss ich denn noch codecs installieren wenn ja welche?

ich habe nachdem ich OpenBSD installiert habe vlc installiert vielelicht langt das nicht?

außerdem ist die Ausgabe der Sprache nicht synchron

ab und zu kommt dann auch maybe your pc is to slow

ich habe 16 GB RAM im Laptop und es ist ein i5 und eine HD 3000 onboard

vielleicht kann mir das ja einer erklären was man genauc machen muss

danke :-(

das komtm bei mp4

Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment. 
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x0
QNativeImage: Unable to attach to shared memory segment. 
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x0
X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode: 62 (X_CopyArea)
  Resource id:  0x0

das bei flc
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"
Fontconfig warning: FcPattern object size does not accept value "0"

das bei avi

[0x20e4eb858] freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line
[0x207582c58] freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line
[0x207582c58] freetype spu text error: Breaking unbreakable line

ach ja diese Videos werden alle unter Lubuntu Linux an meinem P4 er hat 2 GB RAM und eine 512 MB Geforce tadellos abgespielt .
Auch als ich archlinux auf meinem Laptop hatte lief alles perfekt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

welche codecs muss man installieren damit



welche codecs muss man installieren damit



Hallo mein Lieber :)

was sagt pkg_info bei Dir ?

mencoder bringt jede menge mit, die meisten verwenden unter OpenBSD den mplayer
weiter könnte Dir auch libxine1 , linxine1-plugins, libxine1-all-plugins und libxine1-ffmpeg helfen.
ne schnelle hilfe wäre es auch avifile-player zu installieren bekommste du einiges an codecs mit der spielt auch windows codecs ab.

So zu VLC und OpenBSD versus GnuLinux, so OpenBSD hat eine gänzlich andere Rechtevergabe-Sicherheitsarchitektur, jedenfalls ist es nicht erlaubt in VlC für OpenBSD Codecs nach zu installieren soviel dazu.
Zu dem anderen Problem VLC lief früher besser mit ncursses is aber nicht mehr und QT macht Probleme im Zusammenspiel mit VLC das liest sich quer Beet durch alle Foren und Unix Mailinglisten...
Deshalb wählen die meisten zur Wiedergabe von Multimedia, MPlayer, weil der erstma weniger "kann" und umgehen so diese Problematik übrigens hat sich das seit 2009 noch nicht geändert. OpenBSD ist da sehr konservativ gestrickt ;)
Sicher kann man sich jetzt die ganz aktuelle Version 2.0.6 kompilieren aber ändert zunächst nichts am Rechtesystem das in OpenBSD restriktiver als in den anderen *BSD zusammen ist.
Unix- sowie GnuLinux ist per se auch nicht als Multimediasystem ausgelegt, Rechtesystem, Hierarchie etc.pp deshalb musst Du Dir sobald Du etwas mehr in der Richtung machen willst den Kernel auf Echtzeit bauen und die Rechte anders vergeben weil Latenz ein wesentlicher Aspekt ist.

MFG rudy

Ergänzend Manual OpenBSD
Ergänzend Latenz Echtzeit Kernel bauen am Beispiel von Linux jetzt:
Ergänzend hier Abschnitt " 13.11 - Ich möchte meine Mediendateien aber im Format XYZ haben" - Unterabschnitt " Zwischen verschiedenen Audioformaten konvertieren" Verweis zu Video Codecs und Erklärung dazu:

--- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Videocodec
--- http://oreilly.com/catalog/sound/chapter/ch05.html <weiterführende Lektüre>
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

sorry das ich erst jetzt schreibe war leider krank :-(

hier pkg_info

abcde-2.5.4         command-line utility to rip and encode audio cds
aspell-   spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
at-spi2-atk-2.6.2   atk-bridge for at-spi2
at-spi2-core-2.6.3  service interface for assistive technologies
atk-2.6.0           accessibility toolkit used by gtk+
audacious-3.3.3     Gtk+3 media player based on BMP and XMMS
audacity-1.3.9p5    free audio editor
avahi-0.6.31p6      framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery
bash-4.2.42         GNU Bourne Again Shell
bzip2-1.0.6         block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cairo-1.12.8p1      vector graphics library
cd-discid-1.3.1     retrieve CDDB ID from a disc
cdparanoia-3.a9.8p0 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
chromium-24.0.1312.68 Chromium browser
cups-libs-1.6.1p5   CUPS libraries and headers
curl-7.26.0p1       get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
dbus-1.6.8p5v0      message bus system
dbus-glib-0.100p2v0 glib bindings for dbus message system
dconf-0.14.1        configuration backend system
desktop-file-utils-0.21p0 utilities for dot.desktop entries
dillo-3.0.2p0       fast and light graphical web browser
enca-1.14           detect character set and encoding of text files
enchant-1.6.0p1     generic spell checking library/wrapper
faad-2.7            MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder
ffmpeg-20121026p2   audio/video converter and streamer
firefox-18.0.2p0    Mozilla web browser
flac-1.2.1p2        free lossless audio codec
fltk-1.3.0p0        Fast-Light Tool Kit
fribidi-0.19.5      library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
gconf2-3.2.6p0      configuration database system for GNOME
gcr-3.6.2           library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdbm-1.10           GNU dbm
gdk-pixbuf-2.26.5p1 graphic library for gtk+2
geoclue-0.12.99p0   modular geoinformation service on top of D-Bus
gettext-0.18.2p1    GNU gettext
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p2 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases
glib2-2.34.3        general-purpose utility library
glib2-networking-2.34.2 network-related gio modules for glib2
gmp-5.0.2p1         library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnome-icon-theme-3.6.2 base icon theme for GNOME
gnupg-1.4.13        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnutls-3.1.7p0      GNU Transport Layer Security library
gpgme-1.3.1p0       GnuPG Made Easy
gpsd-2.95p4         service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes
gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.6.1p0 collection of shared GSettings schemas
gsm-1.0.13p0        u-law to gsm encoding audio converter and library
gstreamer-0.10.36p5 framework for streaming media
gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13p4 ffmpeg element for GStreamer
gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36p5 base elements for GStreamer
gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31p6v0 good elements for GStreamer
gtk+2-2.24.14p2     multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+3-3.6.4p3       multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.14p0 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
gtkspell-2.0.16p6   gtk+2 spelling checker
gvfs-1.14.2         GNOME Virtual File System
harfbuzz-0.9.12     text shaping library
hicolor-icon-theme-0.12p2 fallback theme of the icon theme specification
icu4c-50.1.2        International Components for Unicode
id3lib-3.8.3p3      library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
iodbc-3.52.7p1      ODBC 3.x driver manager
iwn-firmware-5.7    firmware binary images for iwn(4) driver
jasper-1.900.1p1    reference implementation of JPEG-2000
jpeg-8cp1           IJG's JPEG compression utilities
lame-3.99.5         lame ain't an MP3 encoder
lcms-1.18a          color management library
libao-1.1.0         portable audio output library
libarchive-3.0.4    multi-format archive and compression library
libass-0.10.1       portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassuan-2.0.3     IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libaudiofile-0.3.5p0 SGI audiofile library clone
libbluray-0.2.3     library supporting Blu-ray playback
libcddb-1.3.2       library to access data on a CDDB server
libcdio-0.80p5      compact disk input and control library
libcroco-0.6.8p0    generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project
libcue-1.4.0        cue sheet parser library
libdaemon-0.14      lightweight C library that eases the writing of daemons
libdv-1.0.0p0       Quasar DV codec
libdvbpsi-0.2.2     library for decoding/generating MPEG TS/DVB PSI tables
libdvdcss-1.2.12p0  descramble scrambled DVDs
libdvdnav-4.2.0p2v0 DVD navigation library
libdvdread-4.2.0p2  accessing DVD files
libebml-1.2.2       Extensible Binary Meta Language library
libelf-0.8.13p1     read, modify, create ELF files on any arch
libexecinfo-0.2p3v0 clone of backtrace facility found in the GNU libc
libffi-3.0.9        Foreign Function Interface
libgcrypt-1.5.0     crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgnome-keyring-3.6.0p2 library for gnome keyring integration
libgpg-error-1.10   error codes for GnuPG related software
libguess-1.1        high-speed character set detection library
libiconv-1.14p0     character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1bp3 library for reading ID3 tags
libidn-1.26         internationalized string handling
libmad-0.15.1bp3    high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmatroska-1.3.0   extensible open standard audio/video container library
libmikmod-3.2.0     mikmod sound library
libmng-1.0.10p1     Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmpdclient-2.7    library for interfacing MPD
libmspack-0.3alphav0 library for handling microsoft compression formats
libnettle-2.6p0     cryptographic library
libnotify-0.7.5p0   send desktop notifications to a notification daemon
libogg-1.3.0        Ogg bitstream library
libproxy-0.4.10     library handling all the details of proxy configuration
librsvg-2.36.4p0    SAX-based render library for SVG files
libsamplerate-0.1.7p1 audio sample rate conversion library
libsecret-0.12      library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
libshout-2.2.2p1    library for communicating with an icecast server
libsndfile-1.0.25p0 library to handle various audio file formats
libsoup-2.40.3      SOAP implementation in C
libsoup-gnome-2.40.3 GNOME specific libsoup parts
libstdc++-4.6.3p10  GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler library
libtar-1.2.11p0     C library for manipulating tar files
libtasn1-3.2        Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libtheora-1.1.1p1   open video codec
libungif-4.1.4p1    tools and library routines for working with GIF images
libunique3-3.0.2p0  library for writing single instance GTK+3 applications
libusb1-1.0.9p5     library for USB device access from userspace
libvorbis-1.3.3     audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.1.0p0      Google VP8 video codec
libwebp-0.2.1       Google WebP image format conversion tool
libxml-2.8.0        XML parsing library
libxslt-1.1.27      XSLT C Library for GNOME
midori-0.4.7p0-gtk3 lightweight web browser
mowgli-1.0.0        performance and usability oriented extensions to C
mpc-0.22            command line client for mpd
mpd-0.17.3          Music Player Daemon
mplayer-20120725    movie player supporting many formats
musepack-475p0      decoder, encoder and replaygain for musepack files
nano-2.2.6          Pico editor clone with enhancements
ncmpcpp-0.5.10p3    ncurses mpd client inspired by ncmpc
nspr-4.9.4          Netscape Portable Runtime
nss-3.14.1p0        libraries to support development of security-enabled apps
openmotif-2.3.4p0   Motif toolkit
opus-1.0.2          IETF audio codec
orc-0.4.16p2        library and toolset to operate arrays of data
p11-kit-0.14        library for loading and enumurating of PKCS#11 modules
pango-1.32.5        library for layout and rendering of text
pcre-8.31           perl-compatible regular expression library
png-1.5.10p0        library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.16           getopt(3)-like library with a number of enhancements
portaudio-svn-1406p4 portable cross-platform audio API
python-2.7.3p1      interpreted object-oriented programming language
qt4-4.8.2p4         C++ X11 GUI toolkit
recode-3.6p7        convert files between character sets and usages
schroedinger-1.0.11p0 high-speed Dirac codec
sdl-1.2.15p3        cross-platform multimedia library
sdl-image-1.2.12    SDL image library
shared-mime-info-1.0p4 shared mime database for desktops
soundtouch-1.3.1p0  tempo/pitch audio processing library
speex-1.2rc1p0      patent-free speech codec
sylpheed-3.2.0      lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client
taglib-1.8p5        managing meta-data of audio formats
tango-icon-theme-0.8.90p7 Tango icon theme
tiff-4.0.3p0        tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tremor-20120410     integer-only, fully Ogg Vorbis compliant decoder library
uvideo-firmware-1.2p0 firmware binary images for uvideo(4) driver
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.0p1 audio plugin API
vim-7.3.154p2-gtk2  vi clone, many additional features
vorbis-tools-1.4.0p0 play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
wavpack-4.60.1p0    audio codec for lossless, lossy and hybrid compression
webkit-gtk3-1.8.3p4v0 open source web browser engine for Gtk+
wget-1.14           retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
wxWidgets-gtk2-2.8.12p8 C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit
x264-20121114       free H264/AVC encoder
xdg-utils-1.1.0rc1p3 utilities to assist desktop integration tasks
xpdf-3.03p0         PDF viewer for X11
xvidcore-1.3.2p2    ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xz-5.0.4            LZMA compression and decompression tools

paket mencoder habe ich nicht gefunden und die libs auch nicht

sorry das ich erst jetzt schreibe war leider krank :-(

hier pkg_info

abcde-2.5.4         command-line utility to rip and encode audio cds
aspell-   spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell
at-spi2-atk-2.6.2   atk-bridge for at-spi2
at-spi2-core-2.6.3  service interface for assistive technologies
atk-2.6.0           accessibility toolkit used by gtk+
audacious-3.3.3     Gtk+3 media player based on BMP and XMMS
audacity-1.3.9p5    free audio editor
avahi-0.6.31p6      framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery
bash-4.2.42         GNU Bourne Again Shell
bzip2-1.0.6         block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cairo-1.12.8p1      vector graphics library
cd-discid-1.3.1     retrieve CDDB ID from a disc
cdparanoia-3.a9.8p0 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
chromium-24.0.1312.68 Chromium browser
cups-libs-1.6.1p5   CUPS libraries and headers
curl-7.26.0p1       get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
dbus-1.6.8p5v0      message bus system
dbus-glib-0.100p2v0 glib bindings for dbus message system
dconf-0.14.1        configuration backend system
desktop-file-utils-0.21p0 utilities for dot.desktop entries
dillo-3.0.2p0       fast and light graphical web browser
enca-1.14           detect character set and encoding of text files
enchant-1.6.0p1     generic spell checking library/wrapper
faad-2.7            MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder
ffmpeg-20121026p2   audio/video converter and streamer
firefox-18.0.2p0    Mozilla web browser
flac-1.2.1p2        free lossless audio codec
fltk-1.3.0p0        Fast-Light Tool Kit
fribidi-0.19.5      library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
gconf2-3.2.6p0      configuration database system for GNOME
gcr-3.6.2           library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gdbm-1.10           GNU dbm
gdk-pixbuf-2.26.5p1 graphic library for gtk+2
geoclue-0.12.99p0   modular geoinformation service on top of D-Bus
gettext-0.18.2p1    GNU gettext
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p2 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases
glib2-2.34.3        general-purpose utility library
glib2-networking-2.34.2 network-related gio modules for glib2
gmp-5.0.2p1         library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnome-icon-theme-3.6.2 base icon theme for GNOME
gnupg-1.4.13        GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnutls-3.1.7p0      GNU Transport Layer Security library
gpgme-1.3.1p0       GnuPG Made Easy
gpsd-2.95p4         service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes
gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.6.1p0 collection of shared GSettings schemas
gsm-1.0.13p0        u-law to gsm encoding audio converter and library
gstreamer-0.10.36p5 framework for streaming media
gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.13p4 ffmpeg element for GStreamer
gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.36p5 base elements for GStreamer
gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.31p6v0 good elements for GStreamer
gtk+2-2.24.14p2     multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+3-3.6.4p3       multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.14p0 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
gtkspell-2.0.16p6   gtk+2 spelling checker
gvfs-1.14.2         GNOME Virtual File System
harfbuzz-0.9.12     text shaping library
hicolor-icon-theme-0.12p2 fallback theme of the icon theme specification
icu4c-50.1.2        International Components for Unicode
id3lib-3.8.3p3      library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
iodbc-3.52.7p1      ODBC 3.x driver manager
iwn-firmware-5.7    firmware binary images for iwn(4) driver
jasper-1.900.1p1    reference implementation of JPEG-2000
jpeg-8cp1           IJG's JPEG compression utilities
lame-3.99.5         lame ain't an MP3 encoder
lcms-1.18a          color management library
libao-1.1.0         portable audio output library
libarchive-3.0.4    multi-format archive and compression library
libass-0.10.1       portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassuan-2.0.3     IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libaudiofile-0.3.5p0 SGI audiofile library clone
libbluray-0.2.3     library supporting Blu-ray playback
libcddb-1.3.2       library to access data on a CDDB server
libcdio-0.80p5      compact disk input and control library
libcroco-0.6.8p0    generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project
libcue-1.4.0        cue sheet parser library
libdaemon-0.14      lightweight C library that eases the writing of daemons
libdv-1.0.0p0       Quasar DV codec
libdvbpsi-0.2.2     library for decoding/generating MPEG TS/DVB PSI tables
libdvdcss-1.2.12p0  descramble scrambled DVDs
libdvdnav-4.2.0p2v0 DVD navigation library
libdvdread-4.2.0p2  accessing DVD files
libebml-1.2.2       Extensible Binary Meta Language library
libelf-0.8.13p1     read, modify, create ELF files on any arch
libexecinfo-0.2p3v0 clone of backtrace facility found in the GNU libc
libffi-3.0.9        Foreign Function Interface
libgcrypt-1.5.0     crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgnome-keyring-3.6.0p2 library for gnome keyring integration
libgpg-error-1.10   error codes for GnuPG related software
libguess-1.1        high-speed character set detection library
libiconv-1.14p0     character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1bp3 library for reading ID3 tags
libidn-1.26         internationalized string handling
libmad-0.15.1bp3    high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmatroska-1.3.0   extensible open standard audio/video container library
libmikmod-3.2.0     mikmod sound library
libmng-1.0.10p1     Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmpdclient-2.7    library for interfacing MPD
libmspack-0.3alphav0 library for handling microsoft compression formats
libnettle-2.6p0     cryptographic library
libnotify-0.7.5p0   send desktop notifications to a notification daemon
libogg-1.3.0        Ogg bitstream library
libproxy-0.4.10     library handling all the details of proxy configuration
librsvg-2.36.4p0    SAX-based render library for SVG files
libsamplerate-0.1.7p1 audio sample rate conversion library
libsecret-0.12      library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
libshout-2.2.2p1    library for communicating with an icecast server
libsndfile-1.0.25p0 library to handle various audio file formats
libsoup-2.40.3      SOAP implementation in C
libsoup-gnome-2.40.3 GNOME specific libsoup parts
libstdc++-4.6.3p10  GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler library
libtar-1.2.11p0     C library for manipulating tar files
libtasn1-3.2        Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libtheora-1.1.1p1   open video codec
libungif-4.1.4p1    tools and library routines for working with GIF images
libunique3-3.0.2p0  library for writing single instance GTK+3 applications
libusb1-1.0.9p5     library for USB device access from userspace
libvorbis-1.3.3     audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.1.0p0      Google VP8 video codec
libwebp-0.2.1       Google WebP image format conversion tool
libxml-2.8.0        XML parsing library
libxslt-1.1.27      XSLT C Library for GNOME
midori-0.4.7p0-gtk3 lightweight web browser
mowgli-1.0.0        performance and usability oriented extensions to C
mpc-0.22            command line client for mpd
mpd-0.17.3          Music Player Daemon
mplayer-20120725    movie player supporting many formats
musepack-475p0      decoder, encoder and replaygain for musepack files
nano-2.2.6          Pico editor clone with enhancements
ncmpcpp-0.5.10p3    ncurses mpd client inspired by ncmpc
nspr-4.9.4          Netscape Portable Runtime
nss-3.14.1p0        libraries to support development of security-enabled apps
openmotif-2.3.4p0   Motif toolkit
opus-1.0.2          IETF audio codec
orc-0.4.16p2        library and toolset to operate arrays of data
p11-kit-0.14        library for loading and enumurating of PKCS#11 modules
pango-1.32.5        library for layout and rendering of text
pcre-8.31           perl-compatible regular expression library
png-1.5.10p0        library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.16           getopt(3)-like library with a number of enhancements
portaudio-svn-1406p4 portable cross-platform audio API
python-2.7.3p1      interpreted object-oriented programming language
qt4-4.8.2p4         C++ X11 GUI toolkit
recode-3.6p7        convert files between character sets and usages
schroedinger-1.0.11p0 high-speed Dirac codec
sdl-1.2.15p3        cross-platform multimedia library
sdl-image-1.2.12    SDL image library
shared-mime-info-1.0p4 shared mime database for desktops
soundtouch-1.3.1p0  tempo/pitch audio processing library
speex-1.2rc1p0      patent-free speech codec
sylpheed-3.2.0      lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client
taglib-1.8p5        managing meta-data of audio formats
tango-icon-theme-0.8.90p7 Tango icon theme
tiff-4.0.3p0        tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tremor-20120410     integer-only, fully Ogg Vorbis compliant decoder library
uvideo-firmware-1.2p0 firmware binary images for uvideo(4) driver
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.0p1 audio plugin API
vim-7.3.154p2-gtk2  vi clone, many additional features
vorbis-tools-1.4.0p0 play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
wavpack-4.60.1p0    audio codec for lossless, lossy and hybrid compression
webkit-gtk3-1.8.3p4v0 open source web browser engine for Gtk+
wget-1.14           retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
wxWidgets-gtk2-2.8.12p8 C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit
x264-20121114       free H264/AVC encoder
xdg-utils-1.1.0rc1p3 utilities to assist desktop integration tasks
xpdf-3.03p0         PDF viewer for X11
xvidcore-1.3.2p2    ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xz-5.0.4            LZMA compression and decompression tools

paket mencoder habe ich nicht gefunden und die libs auch nicht

So erstma danke für Dein Feedback;

Die Libs gehören zu xine, xine fehlt Dir

Soderle allgemeiner Input >> http://wiki.bsdforen.de/anwendungen:mplayer steht auch Info zu OpenBSD


" Einige populäre Mediaprogramme, die DVDs abspielen können, wurden auf OpenBSD portiert. Beispiele sind ogle, mplayer, xine und kaffeine. Bitte lies die Installationsanweisungen, die im entsprechenden Paket mitgeliefert werden, denn die Programme könnten vorher noch konfiguriert werden müssen. Mit diesen Programmen ist es möglich, die DVD durch direkten Zugriff auf die Rohdaten abzuspielen. Selbstverständlich kann man die DVD auch zuerst mit mount_cd9660(8) mounten und sie dann von diesem oder von einem anderen gemounteten Dateisystem abspielen."

mencoder ist teil von mplayer gib mal mencoder auf der shell ein
was sagt ein man mencoder bei Dir?


--- http://openbsd.7691.n7.nabble.com/UPDATE-MPlayer-td221938.html

Ports - Multimedia - OpenBSD

--- http://ports.su/multimedia (OpenBSD)
--- http://openports.se/multimedia

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